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Oracle® Communications UDR Feature Configuration Guide
Release 12.4
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Getting Object Identifier (OID) for Different Objects using MIB File

This section explains the details of the MIB used in UDR and how to generate an OID using SNMP command using an example.

Run the following command to retrieve the OIDs for dfferent objects using MIB file:

snmptranslate -Tz -m /usr/TKLC/plat/etc/snmp/mib/tklc_tpdAlarms.mib

All UDR related MIB files are stored in following paths in NOAM, SOAM, or MP servers:
  • /usr/TKLC/udr/mibs
  • /usr/TKLC/plat/etc/snmp/mib
Example for generating Object ID by cmsnmpsa comcol Process.

When alarm is generated, the entries are put in to the AppEventLog tables. The merged traps entries from the AppEventLog_001 are sent to the snmpagents. The OID is calculated as follows:entry in the AppEventLog for the Alarm raised for eventNumber 13071:mysql> select * from AppEventLog_001 where eventNumber = 13071;| part | srcNode | severity | timeStamp | task | eventNumber | instance | eventData |errInfo | additionalInfo ||0| A1173.045 | ^^ | 1611745169468401377|udrprov|13071 | PROV| |IDB_ENDTBL/CLR cursor at end of table [IdbBaseIter.cxx.cmf:209]^^ [26904:ProvController.C:


For example, following OID for alarm 13071 is shown below:Final OID for Object, eagleXgUdrAlarmInstance in Trap for eventNumber 13071:

Following is the OID from the MIB file, which got by using the snmptranslate command:ORIGINAL_OID of eagleXgUdrAlarmInstance = = 1, either 0 or 1,

If the Local trap is disabled, it is set to 1 in the trap OID,SRCNODEID =,

The value is calculated based on the entry present in the srcNode which is A1173.045

If nodeId is A1173.045, then:Level = AClusterNumber = 1173MemberNumber = 045

RUNID can be retrieved from the server using the following command in NOAM environment:echo $RUNID

For reference, see the following example where RUNID equals 0:(level << 4)|((ClusterNumber & 0xf00) >> 8) = ('A' << 4)|((1173 & 0xf00) >> 8) = (0x41 << 4)|((0x495 & 0xf00) >> 8) = 0xA4 = 1641173 and 0xff = 0x495 and 0xff = 14945 and 0xff = 0x2D and 0xff 0x2D = 45RUNID and 0xff = 0 & 0xff = 0

Here, RUNID is the environment variable retrieved from the NOAM, SOAM, and MP servers using the command, echo $RUNID.

0xff is an integer value used for masking purpose to retrieve only the first byte of the RUNID. Since the value of the RUNID is 0, the final result of the & operation is 0.

Finally, is used as SRCNODEID.

If the Local trap is enabled then SRCNODEID is set to = 13071

This is the eventNumber/alarmid from the AppEventLog tables.SIZEOFINSTANCE = 4

This is the size of the instance string from the AppEventLog_001 table for the alarmINSTANCEDATA = (PROV)

This is the value of the instance which is used from the AppEventLog_001 table.

Here, the value of the instance is PROV decimal value which is appended to the final trap OID.

Therefore, P = 80; R = 82; O = 79; V = 86

Finally, is used as INSTANCEDATA