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Oracle® Communications UDR Feature Configuration Guide
Release 12.4
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Configuring Different EngineID on Different Servers

You can configure EngineIDs on different servers such as NOAMA, NOAMB, SOAMA, SOAMB, MP1, MP2, and MP3.

To configure an EngineID on a Server:
  1. On Active NOAMP interface, in the main menu, go to Administration > Remote Servers > SNMP Trapping and select Traps from Individual Servers to enable the configuration..
  2. Run the following command for disabling the replication of the SNMP configuration table across different NOAM, SOAM, and MP servers so that the change in one server does not replicate across different servers.
    For example, run the following command in Active NOAM to disable the replication of SNMP configuration: iset -fexcludeTables=SnmpCfg NodeInfo where 1=1
  3. Change the EngineID on all the servers by disabling them.


    You need not disable for Active NOAM server.
    In case if there is a disaster recovery site then perform the same steps in each server (i.e. NOAMA, NOAMB, SOAMA, SOAMB, MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4 and so on in Disaster recovery site).
    Run the following commands to disable the servers:
    • Active NOAM:iset -fengineId="123456NOAMA" SnmpCfg where 1=1;
    • Standby NOAM:prod.dbdown -iprod.dbupiset -fengineId="123456NOAMB" SnmpCfg where 1=1;prod.dbdown -iprod.start
    • Standby SOAM B:prod.dbdown -iprod.dbupiset -fengineId="123456SOAMB" SnmpCfg where 1=1;prod.dbdown -iprod.start
    • Active SOAM A:prod.dbdown -iprod.dbupiset -fengineId="123456SOAMA" SnmpCfg where 1=1;prod.dbdown -iprod.start
    • MP1:prod.dbdown -iprod.dbupiset -fengineId="12345678MP1" SnmpCfg where 1=1;prod.dbdown -iprod.start
    • MP2:prod.dbdown -iprod.dbupiset -fengineId="12345678MP2" SnmpCfg where 1=1;prod.dbdown -iprod.start
  4. Verify the entry for the EngineID on all the servers.
    For example, run the following command on the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file.cat /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf | grep -i engineID