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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Command Log Export Status elements

This table describes elements on the Command Log Export Status Elements page. Note that you must have permission to view this page. Permission groups are defined on the Main Menu > Administration > Access Control > Groups page.

Table 6-20 Command Log Export Status Elements

Field Description
Command Log Export File Name of the command log export file; filename is in the format of commandLog_export_<yyyymmddhhmm>.csv.zip, where the date/time is in local time.
Time Started Time the command log export was started in local time; includes date and time.
Time Completed Time the command log export was completed in local time; includes date and time.
Records Count Number of command logs exported
Status Status of the command log export; options are Initializing, Queue, In Progress, Transferring, Completed, and Failed.