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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Viewing Command Log Export Status

Command log export operations that have occurred in the past 24 hours can be viewed and their statuses can be monitored from the Command Log Export Status page. The table displays the command log export file name, the time the export started and completed, the number of log files exported, and the status of the export.

Note that you must have permission to view this page. Permission groups are defined on the Main Menu > Administration > Access Control > Groups page.

To view the status of exports:

  1. Select UDR > Maintenance > Command Log Export Status.
The Command Log Export Status page appears. All exports are displayed in tabular form. The display fields are described in Command Log Export Status elements.


To change the order of the records in the table, click the header on which you want to sort. Records will be reordered in descending order (or vice versa when clicked again).