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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Deleting Subscribers and Pools with Inconsistencies

The Database Auditor page allows you to delete subscriber or pool records with inconsistencies that were found while running an audit.

You can only perform this task when logged into the Active Primary NOAMP. Note that you must have permission to clean a database. Permission groups are defined on the Main Menu > Administration > Access Control > Groups page.

To clean a database that has been audited:

  1. Select UDR > Maintenance > Database Auditor.

    The Database Auditor page appears. The display fields are described in Database Auditor elements.

  2. In the Clean section of the page:
    1. Select the audit file to clean from the Input File Name pulldown menu.
    2. Once the desired file is displayed in the pop up window, click OK.
      The selected file displays in the Input File Name field.
    3. Click Clean.
The clean process runs. The status of this process displays at the bottom of the page in the State Table. Once the clean process completes, the status changes from In Progress to Completed, and the number of cleaned (or removed) subscriber and pool records is listed. If desired, the deleted subscribers and pools can now be re-provisioned.