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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Adding a quota reset task

Use this procedure to configure a new task to be run in the future. There can be multiple tasks scheduled to run at the same time, but one task only runs at a time. Tasks scheduled at the same time run in the order of their creation time (what time a task is created affects the order of the queue).

You can perform this procedure when logged into an Active Primary NOAMP. Note that you must have permission to view this page. Permission groups are defined on the Main Menu > Administration > Access Control > Groups page.

  1. Select UDR > Maintenance > Quota Reset Scheduler Tasks.
    The Quota Reset Scheduler Task page appears.
  2. Click Insert.
    The Quota Reset Scheduler Tasks [Insert] page appears.
  3. Enter a unique name for this task in the Task ID field. This field is required.
  4. Specify the date and time the quota reset is to occur in Start Time.
  5. Specify the type of subscribers or pools to be reset by the quota reset in Key Type.
  6. Either check mark All to process all records, or leave All unchecked and specify the range of subscribers/pools to be processed.
  7. At least one element must be specified in Row Element List. To add additional elements to be affected by this quota reset, click Add to pop-up another element row. A maximum of ten elements can be defined for a task.
  8. The remaining fields on the page are optional. See Quota Reset Scheduler Tasks elements for more information on each field.
  9. Perform one of the following:
    • Click OK to save the task and return to the Quota Reset Scheduler Tasks page.
    • Click Cancel to return to the Quota Reset Scheduler Tasks page without saving the changes.
    If OK is clicked and any of the following conditions exist, an error message appears:
    • Any required field is empty; no value was entered or selected
    • The entry in any field is not valid (wrong data type or out of the valid range)
    • The Task ID is not unique; it already exists in the system
The new task is created. It now appears on the Quota Reset Scheduler Tasks page and has a State of SCHEDULED.