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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Viewing Database Audit Status

The status of all in-progress and completed audits is displayed in the State Table at the bottom of the Database Auditor page. The table displays the audit and clean processes that have occurred, and includes the process type, the name of the log file generated for the process, the number of audited, inconsistent, and/or cleaned subscribers and pools, and the state of the audit/clean process.

To view the status of audits:

  1. Select UDR > Maintenance > Database Auditor.
The Database Auditor page appears. All audits are displayed in tabular form. The display fields are described in Database Auditor elements.


To change the order of the records in the table, click the header on which you want to sort. Records will be reordered in descending order (or vice versa when clicked again).

When UDRBE is in congestion, the abort/clean log file State in the State Table changes from In Progress to Paused. When the congestion clears, the paused process will automatically change back to the state of In Progress. When the audit/clean process fails, a process in the state of In Progress automatically changes to Failed. Alarm 13368 is raised when the process fails, and the failure is mentioned in the log file.