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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Auditing a Single Subscriber or Pool

The Database Auditor page allows you to audit a single subscriber or pool for index inconsistencies.

You can only perform this task when logged into the Active Primary NOAMP. Note that you must have permission to audit a subscriber/pool. Permission groups are defined on the Main Menu > Administration > Access Control > Groups page.

To audit a subscriber or pool:

  1. Select UDR > Maintenance > Database Auditor.

    The Database Auditor page appears. The fields on this page are described in Database Auditor elements.

  2. In the Single Subscriber or Pool Audit section of the page:
    1. Select the Key Type you will be entering in Key Value.
    2. Enter the Key Value that identifies the subscriber or pool to be checked for inconsistencies. This value must exist in the database.
    3. In Result File Name, define a name to be used for the log file.
    4. Click Audit.
The single subscriber/pool audit runs. The status of the audit displays at the bottom of the page in the State Table. Once the audit completes, the status displays as Completed, and the number of inconsistencies found is listed.