Extracting Picklist Values for a Single Picklist Field

To extract the picklist values for a single picklist field for an object, complete the steps in the following procedure.

To extract the picklist values for a single picklist field

  1. Prepare an input XML file as follows:

    <data:PicklistSet xmlns:data="urn:/crmondemand/xml/picklist/query">


    • ObjectName is the name of the system name of the record type (object), which never changes, for example, Account.

    • PickListName is the system name of the picklist field for which you want to extract the values.

    Note: If you do not know the system name of a customized or custom picklist field, then run the Read FieldManagement command for the record type. In the output file from that command, the <Name> element shows the system name of the field. As an example, PICK_000 is the system name of the first custom picklist field that is created for the Account record type. For more information about the Read FieldManagement command, see Custom Fields.

    If you want to extract only the picklist values that are active (that is, the picklist values that are not marked as disabled), then include the <Disabled> argument in the input XML file for the Read Picklist command and set the value of the argument to false.

  2. Run the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client as follows:

    migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL Read Picklist InputXMLFilePath

    For example, if your input XML file is named MyAccountPicklist.xml:

    migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL Read Picklist "C:\My Files\MyAccountPicklist.xml"