
Extracts field management configuration data.


Use the FieldManagementRead method to extract field management configuration data for an object.

The object is specified with the <ObjectName> child element of apQuery:FieldSet.

If the <IncludeAll> child element of apQuery:FieldSet specifies true, the method returns configuration data including preconfigured and customized data. If <IncludeAll> specifies false, or is not included in the request, the method returns customized configuration data only.

Regardless of whether only customized data is returned, or preconfigured and customized data, translated data for all languages enabled by the company are included in the output.

The <sortSpecification> child element of apQuery:FieldSet allows you to sort the field management data by field name. The format for the parameter is a comma-separated list of up to three fields in the format:

field name sort order


  • field name can be CreatedDate, ModifiedDate, or Name.

  • sort order can be asc for sorting in ascending order, or desc for sorting in decending order. The default value is asc.

See FieldManagementUpsert for information about the field management data specified in apData:FieldSet.

By default, FieldManagementRead only extracts field definitions for fields that have been created by the user, or preconfigured fields that have been modified. Unmodified preconfigured fields are bypassed because they exist on all company instances. See the information in this section about <IncludeAll> for details on how to include all fields, including preconfigured fields, in the SOAP response.

Note: Configuration data is for returned for the Call Activity History record type even though it is not exposed in the Oracle CRM On Demand UI.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the FieldManagementRead method.

Table Arguments Taken by the FieldManagementRead Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The field management query criteria.


Not applicable



The extracted field management data.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The field management data is returned.