
Extracts all of the field management configuration data for a company.


Use the FieldManagementReadAll method to read all of the field management data.

If the input argument <IncludeAll> specifies true, the method returns all configuration data, including preconfigured and customized data. If <IncludeAll> specifies false, or is not included in the request, the method returns customized configuration data only.

When the input argument <IncludeAll> and DefaultAddressField element of apData:FieldSet specify true, the method returns all preconfigured and customized field data, including default address fields.

The input argument <sortSpecification> allows you to sort the field management data by field name. The format for the parameter is a comma-separated list of up to three fields in the format:

field name sort order


  • field name can be CreatedDate, ModifiedDate, or Name.

  • sort order can be asc for sorting in ascending order, or desc for sorting in descending order. The default value is asc.

The sorted data is only returned when the input argument <Version> has the value of 39 or higher.

The input argument <Version> specifies the release of Oracle CRM On Demand for which configuration data is returned. The default value is 23, and specified values up to and including 23 return configuration data applicable to Oracle CRM On Demand Release 23.

If the value specified is greater than 23, then all of the configuration data up to the release specified is returned. For example, if a value of 25 is specified, then all of the configuration data in Release 23 plus the newer data up to Release 25 is returned.Regardless of whether only customized data is returned, or preconfigured and customized data, translated data for all languages enabled by the company are included in the output.

See FieldManagementUpsert for information about the field management data specified in apData:FieldSet.

Note: Configuration data is returned for the Call Activity History record type although the record type is not supported for insert or update operations. The Call Activity History record type does not have a tab in the Oracle CRM On Demand UI, but it is available for field management in the UI.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the FieldManagementReadAll method.

Table Arguments Taken by the FieldManagementReadAll Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


If true, extracts all configuration data and not just customized configuration data.





Specifies the release of Oracle CRM On Demand for which configuration data is returned.





A sort specification that allows sorting by field name, created date and modified date.


Not applicable



The extracted field management data.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The field management data is returned.