Locale-Dependent Access to Oracle CRM On Demand

Oracle CRM On Demand Web Services does not provide any specialized localization interfaces. Oracle CRM On Demand supports full localization, so that the data created through Web services is localized for users. The localized fields in the Web services interfaces follow the formats outlined in the following topics.

Date and Time Fields

Date and time fields for Web services v1.0 are in the following format:

MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss

For Web services v1.0, the time zone is assumed to be the logged in user’s time zone, which is determined from the user’s locale.

For Web services v2.0, the data in SOAP requests conforms to XSD data formats.

The XSD dateTime datatype has the format:

yyyy '-' mm '-' dd 'T' hh ':' mm ':' ss ('.' s+)? (zzzzzz)?

An example of a date and time in this format is:


This example represents noon on 10th October 2002, Central Daylight Savings Time, which is equivalent to Eastern Standard Time in the US.

The same date and time for UCT, which is equivalent to the GMT time zone is as follows:


For the QueryPage method of Web Services v2.0, either the XSD formats (recommended) or the locale-specific formats can be used.

Number and Currency Fields

Number and currency fields in Oracle CRM On Demand are in raw number format. In other words, number and currency fields hold only digits with no currency symbols, decimal separators, or other numeric separators.

Note: The "decimal point" might be represented by a different symbol depending on the user's locale.

When the company profile setting: Prevent Web Service Updates of Inactive Currencies is selected, currency field values cannot be updated to an inactive currency.