Validation of Email Fields

When Oracle CRM On Demand validates fields containing email addresses, it identifies the following as invalid:

  • Empty string

  • String too long

  • No characters before the at sign (@) character, for example:

  • No at sign (@) character, for

  • No period (.) character, for example: isample@riqhtequipcom

  • No domain, for example: isample@

  • No domain suffix such as com, for example: isample@riqhtequip

  • Multiple at signs (@), for example:

  • Consecutive period (.) characters, for example:

  • Spaces in the string, for example: isa mple@riqhtequip

  • Characters other than the following in the local part of an email address:

    • Uppercase and lowercase letters (case insensitive)

    • The digits 0 through 9

    • The characters:

      • Exclamation point (!)

      • Hash symbol (#)

      • Dollar sign ($)

      • Percent (%)

      • Ampersand (&)

      • Single quotation sign (')

      • Asterisk (*)

      • Plus sign (+)

      • Minus sign (-)

      • Slash (/)

      • Equal sign (=)

      • Question mark (?)

      • Caret (^)

      • Underscore (_)

      • Back single quotation mark (`)

      • Left curly brace ({)

      • Vertical bar (|)

      • Right curly brace (})

      • Tilde (~)

  • Any special characters in the domain name of an email address. These special characters are the same as those allowed in the local part of the email address, and also the left and right parentheses ().

Unicode Characters in Email Addresses

For some fields in Oracle CRM On Demand, email addresses can include most Unicode (UTF-8) characters, if the Allow Unicode Characters in Email Fields company profile setting is selected. This allows, for example, email addresses to contain accented characters.

Oracle servers do not support Unicode characters in email addresses, therefore such addresses are not allowed in User email fields. However, Oracle Eloqua Marketing Cloud Service does support Unicode characters, therefore you can save email addresses containing Unicode characters in Contact and Lead email fields and use the Send Email via Engage button on Contact Detail, Contact List, Lead Detail, or Lead List pages to send the emails. For more information about the use of Unicode characters in email addresses, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.