
Extracts all of the report and dashboard folder configuration data for a company.


Use the ReportFolderReadAll method to read the details of all folders and their role associations. The following privileges are required:

  • Manage Roles and Access

  • To read role associations for report folders: Manage Custom Reports.

  • To read role associations for dashboard folders: Manage Dashboards.

  • To read role associations for the V3 migrated company wide shared folders: Access Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder.

The input argument <Version> specifies the release of Oracle CRM On Demand for which configuration data is returned. The default value is 34, however, to return folders from the V3 catalog the value of <Version> must be 35 or higher.

ReportFolderReadAll returns folders, subfolders, and associated roles of all reports and dashboard folders from V3 catalogs namely:

  • V3 Company Wide Shared Folder

  • V3 Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder (only if your user role includes the Access Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder privilege).

See ReportFolderUpsert for information about the report folder data specified in apData:ReportFolder.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the ReportFolderReadAll method.

Table Arguments Taken by the ReportFolderReadAll Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


Specifies the release of Oracle CRM On Demand for which configuration data is returned





The extracted data for all folders.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The folder configuration data is returned.