
Updates or inserts role and access level information for a shared folder.


Use the ReportFolderUpsert method to insert or update role and access level information for a shared folder. The following privileges are required:

  • Manage Roles and Access

  • To update and insert role associations for report folders: Manage Custom Reports.

  • To update and role associations for dashboard folders: Manage Dashboards.

  • To update and insert role associations for the V3 migrated company wide shared folders: Access Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder.

ReportFolderUpsert can insert or update only the role and access level data for a report folder. It is not possible to insert or update any other report folder data. For upsert requests, <Path> is required.

The user keys for upsert operations are:


<Path> + <Catalog>

If the <Catalog> element is not specified, and if multiple folders are found that match the value in the <Path> element, then an error is returned.

The root folder is read-only, so it is not possible to perform upserts for the root folder.

The apdata:ReportFolder argument contains the following elements containing report folder data:

  • Catalog. The catalog version of the folder. The value must be V3 or blank (V3 is the default value.)

  • Path. The path of the folder (required).

  • FolderName. The name of the folder.

  • ParentFolder. The parent folder. If the folder is created directly in the company-wide shared folder, then the name of the parent folder is Company Analyses.

  • Description. A description of the folder.

  • ListOfSubFolders. The subfolders:

  • Catalog. The catalog version of the folder. The value must be V3 or blank (V3 is the default value).

    • Path. The path of the folder.

    • FolderName. The name of the subfolder.

    • Description. A description of the subfolder.

  • ListOfAssociatedRoles. The role data:

    • RoleName. The name of the role.

    • AccessLevel. The access level: Read or Change/Delete.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the ReportFolderUpsert method.

Table Arguments Taken by the ReportFolderUpsert Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The report or dashboard folder data to be inserted or updated.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The status is returned.