
Deletes a transition state.


Use the ProcessAdministrationTransitionStateDelete method to delete a transition state matching the input criteria.

You can use the following combinations of child elements of apQuery:TransitionState to identify the transition state:

  • <RecordType> + <State>

  • <ProcessName> + <State>

  • <RecordType> + <ProcessName> + <State>

When you delete a transition state, all of the field setup and related access control configurations for the transition state are also deleted.

You cannot use the ProcessAdministrationTransitionStateDelete method to delete the field setup or the related access control configuration on a transition state without deleting the transition state itself. If you want to use Web services to remove field setup or related access control configurations from a transition state, you can extract the transition state data, then delete the transition state, and then upload the transition state again after removing the field setup or access control configurations that you want to remove.

See ProcessAdministrationTransitionStateUpsert for information about the custom Web tab data specified in apData:TransitionState.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the ProcessAdministrationTransitionStateDelete method.

Table Arguments Taken by the ProcessAdministrationTransitionStateDelete Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The transition state criteria.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The status of the call is returned.