
Updates an existing transition state or inserts a new transition state.


Use the ProcessAdministrationTransitionStateUpsert method to insert a transition state or update an existing transition state, including the field setup and related access control configuration data on the transition state.

For existing transition states, new field setup and related access control configurations are inserted, and existing field setup and related access control configurations are updated. Existing field setup and related access control configurations that are not identified in the request are not affected.

For upsert operations, the user key is:

  • <RecordType> + <ProcessName> + <State>

For field setup configurations, the user key is <FieldName>. For related access control configurations, the user key is <RecordType>.

The Process Administration privilege is required.

The apdata:TransitionState argument contains the following elements containing transition state data:

  • RecordType. The record type (required).

  • ProcessName. The name of the process (required).

  • State. The transition state (required). Possible values depend on the record type. For upsert operations, the value in the <State> element must match an existing picklist value in the Status field for the record type.

  • Category. The sales category with which the transition state is associated.

  • Description. A description of the transition state.

  • Condition. An expression that determines whether a record can move to the transition state. You cannot use any calculated fields in the expression.

  • ErrorMessage. The error message that appears if the condition set for the transition state is not met when a user tries to move a record of the record type specified in the process to the transition state.

  • DisableUpdate. Whether records can be updated (false) or not (true) when they are in the transition state.

  • DisableDeleteOrRemove. Whether records can be deleted (false) or not (true) when they are in the transition state.

  • ListofFieldSetup. The details of the field configuration for the transition state, contained in the following child elements of <FieldSetup>:

    • FieldName. The system name of the field.

    • ReadOnly. Whether the field becomes read-only (true) or does not become read-only (false) when the record is in this transition state.

  • ListofRelatedAccessControl. The details of the access controls that are configured for the related record types, contained in the following child elements of <RelatedAccessControl>:

    • RecordType. A child object ID, equivalent to the access object name of a related record type. See Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide for reference tables about access object names and their corresponding display names.

    • DisableCreateOrAdd. Whether new records of the related record type can be created and existing records of the related record type can be linked to the parent record (false) or not (true) when the parent record is in the transition state.

    • DisableUpdate. Whether records of the related record type that are linked to the parent record can be updated (false) or not (true) when the parent record is in the transition state.

    • DisableDeleteOrRemove. Whether records of the related record type that are linked to the parent record can be deleted (false) or not (true) when the parent record is in the transition state.

For more information about transition states, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.


The following table describes the arguments taken by the ProcessAdministrationTransitionStateUpsert method.

Table Arguments Taken by the ProcessAdministrationTransitionStateUpsert Method

Name Description Required Default I/O


The transition state data to be inserted or updated.


Not applicable



The status of the call.

Not applicable

Not applicable


Return Value of the Call

The status is returned.