Configuring WebLogic as a Service on Windows (Optional)

To automatically start WebLogic on a reboot, complete the following steps to start WebLogic admin server as a service on Windows operating system:

  1. Set WL_HOME as system environment variable or modify it in <unifier_home>/weblogic/setenv.bat.

    WL_HOME is the root directory of the WebLogic installation. For detailed instructions, refer to Creating a WebLogic Domain for Unifier on Windows to create the Domain Home for weblogic.

    For example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\wlsserver\server

  2. In setenv.bat, set the java_home variable to specify the Java home used by the Unifier domain. For detailed instructions on setting the environment variables for Unifier, refer to Changing Unifier Configurator Settings on Windows.
  3. Log in as a WebLogic Administrator.
  4. Access the <unifier_home>/weblogic folder and run the following scripts:
    • Run service.bat install to install the service for the first time using "beasvc %DOMAIN_NAME%_AdminServer” as the service name.
    • Run service.bat start to start the weblogic server with name "beasvc %DOMAIN_NAME%_AdminServer"
    • Run service.bat stop to stop the weblogic server with name "beasvc %DOMAIN_NAME%_AdminServer"
    • Run service.bat uninstall to remove the service named "beasvc %DOMAIN_NAME%_AdminServer" from the system.

    where %DOMAIN_NAME% is the WebLogic domain name used for deploying Unifier. For example: unifier_domain

Tip: Check if the beasvc %DOMAIN_NAME%_%SERVER_NAME% service exists, runs, or stops from the Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services menu option.

Related Topics

Configuring WebLogic for Unifier on Windows

Creating a WebLogic Domain for Unifier on Windows

Configuring the WebLogic Domain for Unifier (Mobile Device)

Installing and Configuring the Reports Server (Optional)

Starting the WebLogic Admin Server on Windows

Stopping the WebLogic Admin Server on Windows

Configuring SSL Hostname Verification

Last Published Tuesday, February 20, 2024