Starting the WebLogic Admin Server on Windows

To deploy Unifier in WebLogic, start the admin server as follows:

  1. From the Start menu, navigate to the Oracle WebLogic submenu.
  2. Choose User Projects, domain, Your domain, Start Server. (user_projects,domain,<your_domain>,Start Server)
  3. If prompted for a user name and password in the WebLogic console window, enter the administrative user name and password that was specified when creating the domain.

    Note: If you turned on the WebLogic precompile option, the WebLogic console displays "Server started in RUNNING mode" when precompiling finishes. For detailed information about turning on precompilation, see your WebLogic Server documentation.

Related Topics

Configuring WebLogic for Unifier on Windows

Creating a WebLogic Domain for Unifier on Windows

Configuring the WebLogic Domain for Unifier (Mobile Device)

Installing and Configuring the Reports Server (Optional)

Stopping the WebLogic Admin Server on Windows

Configuring WebLogic as a Service on Windows (Optional)

Configuring SSL Hostname Verification

Last Published Tuesday, February 20, 2024