Disabling Unifier Mobile App Auto-Login

The Unifier Mobile App Auto-login is enabled by default. If you wish to disable the Unifier Mobile App auto-login, then open the “skire.properties” file, change the numeric value for the property name "skire.access.token.timeout.day" and redeploy the file. The property indicates the validity of access token in terms of days used for auto-login by mobile app.

That is to state, when an access token is generated after user login (with credentials), the Unifier Mobile App will be able to renew the session by using the generated access token for the next “N” number of days indicated in the property value (the numeric value for the property name).

If you do not set a value for the property, then the default property validity value will be set to 14 (fourteen) days. To opt out of this feature, proceed to set this property value to 0 (zero).

See Also

Title and Copyright Information


What is Updated

Installation Prerequisites

Installing Unifier on Windows

Installing Unifier on Linux

Downloading and Installing Unifier Base Configuration

Downloading the Unifier Mobile App

Appendix A: Installing a Service Pack (WebLogic)

Appendix B: Archiving Projects

Appendix C: WebLogic Clustering for High Availability

Last Published Tuesday, February 20, 2024