Line Item and Sum of Costed Line

When the line item field value does not match the sum of costed line values:

For fields that are editable, the line item cell displays a small triangle to indicate that the totals do not match.

Note: The small triangle is displayed based on the selection that has been made in the Upper Form option "Costed line item total must be equal to the line item total". If the checkbox for Costed line item total must be equal to the line item total is unchecked, then the red triangle does not display. If the checkbox for Costed line item total must be equal to the line item total is checked, then the Data Element is configured to show the Summary Total as Sum of All Rows (there is a total mismatch), and the red triangle is displayed.

When the user clicks the small triangle, the system displays an information text and informs the user about the differences. This is applicable only for the line item.

Note: The alert is not displayed for uuu_spa_per_comp field since the field values of costed lines and summary lines will always have a discrepancy.

See Also

Totaling Cost Breakdown Values

Totaling Cost Breakdown to the Line Item

Totaling Line Item in Payment Application

Totaling Line Item in Summary Payment Application

Summary Line Item

Summary Row Totals

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023