Summary Line Item

The (Summary) Line item row is grey when the line is not editable.

The (Summary) Line item row is editable if the row is displayed:

To be able to modify Line Items, you must select the "Allow Modification of Line Items option in the Creation step.

You can define whether you want the value of the Data Element (DE) uuu_spa_per_comp (from summary row) to apply to all costed lines (in a summary Payment Application grid) automatically, or not. This enables you to avoid filling each costed line value manually and have a better user experience.

If the Allow viewing of Costed line items and Allow Modification of line item options are selected (checked) in the Upper Form of a Payment Application type BP (which references a Base Commit of SOV Type = Summary Payment Applications) in uDesigner, the runtime SPA grid provides a checkbox option labeled Apply line item value of <label of DE uuu_spa_per_comp> to costed lines (at the top right-hand corner of the grid) to enable you to apply the line item value to costed lines.

When you select checkbox option labeled Apply line item value of <label of DE uuu_spa_per_comp> to costed lines, the system copies the value of the data element uuu_spa_per_comp (from the summary lines) into the corresponding costed lines. The subsequent impact on fields uuu_spa_amt_tp / uuu_spa_qty_tp in the costed lines is similar to just as if you made a manual edit of uuu_spa_per_comp in the costed lines to trigger the update of these fields.

To proceed, click to select the Apply line item value of <label of DE uuu_spa_per_comp> to costed lines option (at the top right-hand corner of the detail form). This selection impacts only those lines that are edited after checking the box, and the existing, or edited, lines will remain as they were.

If the Apply line item value of Percentage Complete to Date to costed Lines option is selected (checked), the system performs all the form-level validations, for the Costed line items, after saving the line items (clicking Save).

The following scenarios explain the behavior, when you edit a line item, or costed rows, after checking the box.

Scenario 1

Scenario 1-a

The uuu_spa_per_comp is editable and the Apply line item value of 'Percentage Complete to Date' to costed lines options is selected (checked) when the user enters a value for field uuu_spa_per_com in the summary row:

  1. The corresponding uuu_spa_amt_tp or uuu_spa_qty_tp (depending on whether it is a Lump sum or Unit Cost type line item) in the summary row should get back-calculated as per the new value of uuu_spa_per_com.
  2. All child costed lines should get auto-populated with the same value as the summary cell for uuu_spa_per_com.
  3. The fields uuu_spa_amt_tp or uuu_spa_qty_tp for all costed lines get back-calculated according to the newly populated value of uuu_spa_per_com.

    In this case, the system stops at back-calculating the costed row values for uuu_spa_amt_tp or uuu_spa_qty_tp and does not roll the values into the line item value again (even if the option Total the Cost Breakdown values to the line item is checked). Here, if the back-calculated values of uuu_spa_amt_tp or uuu_spa_qty_tp total to a penny off from the line item cell value, the system adjusts that penny in the last costed line.

Scenario 1-b

The uuu_spa_per_comp is editable and the Apply line item value of 'Percentage Complete to Date' to costed lines options is selected (checked) when the user enters a value in the summary cell for fields uuu_spa_amt_tp or uuu_spa_qty_tp, depending whether it is a Lump sum or Unit Cost type line item:

  1. The summary row field uuu_spa_per_com is calculated by the system.
  2. At the same time, all child costed lines get auto-populated with the same value as the summary cell for uuu_spa_per_com.
  3. The fields uuu_spa_amt_tp or uuu_spa_qty_tp (depending on whether it is a Lump sum or Unit Cost type line item) for all costed lines get back-calculated according to the newly populated value of uuu_spa_per_com.

    In this case, the system stops at back-calculating the costed row values for uuu_spa_amt_tp or uuu_spa_qty_tp and does not roll the values into the line item value again (even if the option Total the Cost Breakdown values to the line item is checked). Here, if the back-calculated values of uuu_spa_amt_tp or uuu_spa_qty_tp total to a penny off from the line item cell value, the system adjusts that penny in the last costed line.

Scenario 1-c

The uuu_spa_per_comp is editable and the Apply line item value of 'Percentage Complete to Date' to costed lines options is selected (checked) when the user enters a value in the summary cell for a field that impacts calculation of uuu_spa_per_comp (such as uuu_spa_mat_stored or uuu_spa_other_tp):

  1. The summary row field uuu_spa_per_com get calculated by the system.
  2. At the same time, all child costed lines get auto-populated with the same value as the summary cell for uuu_spa_per_com.
  3. The fields uuu_spa_amt_tp or uuu_spa_qty_tp (depending on whether it is a Lump sum or Unit Cost type line item) for all costed lines get back-calculated according to the newly populated value of uuu_spa_per_com.

    In this case, the system stops at back-calculating the costed row values for uuu_spa_amt_tp or uuu_spa_qty_tp and does not roll the values into the line item value again (even if the option Total the Cost Breakdown values to the line item is checked). Here, if the back-calculated values of uuu_spa_amt_tp or uuu_spa_qty_tp total to a penny off from the line item cell value, the system adjusts that penny in the last costed line.

Scenario 2

In this scenario, the uuu_spa_per_comp field is read-only, but any of the other fields that impact its calculation (uuu_spa_amt_tp, uuu_spa_qty_tp, uuu_spa_mat_stored, or uuu_spa_other_tp) are editable, and the option Apply line item value of <label of DE uuu_spa_per_com> to costed lines is checked. In such scenario:

Scenario 2-a

If the user modifies the summary cell value for any of the editable fields, the behavior will be similar to Scenario 1-b and Scenario 1-c, above.

Scenario 2-b

If the user modifies the costed row value for any of the editable fields (existing functionality), then the corresponding costed row value of uuu_spa_per_com gets calculated by system. This does not result in roll up, or impact, the summary cell value of uuu_spa_per_com, even if the option Total the Cost Breakdown values to the line item is checked.

You can select (check) the Apply line item value of <label of DE uuu_spa_per_com> to costed lines option and the proceed to deselect (uncheck) it. Deselecting the option does not revert any of the changes that you had made when the option was selected, but it impacts the future operation and the subsequent summary value changes for uuu_spa_per_com will not automatically copy into the costed lines.

If you make manual changes (after deselecting the option), then select the option again:

  • The manual changes that you had made remain as they were.
  • The roll-down behavior from summary to costed rows occurs for all the subsequent summary row changes.

If you select (check) the Apply line item value of <label of DE uuu_spa_per_com> to costed lines option, the system allows you to only push the values down from the line items to the costed row (for uuu_spa_per_com).

Even if the option Total the Cost Breakdown values to the line item is enabled, the system does not allow roll-up from the costed rows to line item for the following Data Elements:

  • uuu_spa_per_com
  • uuu_spa_amt_tp
  • uuu_spa_qty_tp

See Also

Totaling Cost Breakdown Values

Totaling Cost Breakdown to the Line Item

Totaling Line Item in Payment Application

Totaling Line Item in Summary Payment Application

Line Item and Sum of Costed Line

Summary Row Totals

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023