Business Process Forms, Managers Attributes, and Shell Dashboards - User Interface

The Oracle Primavera Unifier has been undergoing significant changes in the overall user interaction in the Business Process forms, various Logs, Cost Sheet, etc. These changes were focused on the user interface (UI) and few structural changes related to the user interaction. These changes have been rolled-out in early 2018, in phases. In November of 2019, the Classic View of the business process forms, managers attributes, and shell dashboards have been replaced with the Standard View (the new view). There are also other functional improvements as a result of the UI improvements such as type-ahead, auto-fill in pickers, tool-tips, etc. Those improvements have been covered in pertinent user documents.

Note: The images marked "New View" does not show the latest UI, but it does show the latest UX as of this publication.

The redesigned business process user interface allows you to:

View, edit, and manage all relevant details within a single form.

The following describes the business process types that are not supported in the new User Interface and will continue to be shown in Classic View:

The following describes the business process types and sub-types that support the new UI:

In This Section

Classic View User Interface Features Not Supported in Standard View

Classic View and Standard View Labels

Classic View and Standard View Tabs, Menus, and Actions

Classic View and Standard View Functions

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023