Scheduling Automatic BP Record Creation Based on a Template

You can schedule automatic BP record creation runs that are based on a BP template. The templates must have a status of Complete before you can define and activate the schedule.

For information on manual creation from a BP template, see Creating a BP Record from a Template.

Note: Business process creation cannot be scheduled from a template in projects or shells that have the View -Only or Inactive status.

To define a BP creation schedule

  1. In User Mode, navigate to the log of the business process for which to edit the template.
  2. Click the Actions menu and choose Create From Template. The Template List window opens.
  3. Select a template from the list to use for the automatically created BP records.
  4. In the right pane, click the Schedule tab.
  5. Complete the Schedule tab as described in the following section.
  6. Click Save. The schedule is active as long as the template status is Complete.

In this field

Do this

Enable scheduled record creation

Select this checkbox if you want to enable automatic record creation based on the schedule defined below.


The frequency determines how often the new records are created from the template. The options are:


Weekly (select the day of the week)

Monthly (select the day of the month)

Quarterly (runs on the last day of the calendar quarter)

Yearly (runs on the last day of the calendar year)

All scheduled record creation is performed at 11:59:59 PM (PST).

Range of Recurrence

Choose one of the options:

No end date (runs until changed or schedule is disabled)

End by (select an end date)

Auto-email creator if scheduled creation fails

Select this option if you want the template owner or creator to receive email notification if the scheduled creation fails. The email will contain location information so that the recipient can see where the auto-creation originated, and where it failed.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023