Accepting your Tasks

You must accept a task to complete it.

The best way to accept a task is from the Home workspace: Home workspace > Tasks. You can also accept a task from the specific business process log, provided you have permission to the log (Company Workspace and Project/Shell). See Accepting your Tasks for details on how to access the Tasks node in the Company Workspace or Project/Shell.

Note: If the Project/Shell in which a business process resides becomes View-Only, any in-process records will be placed on the View form of the current step of the workflow. If the project or shell is re-activated, the business processes will revert to the Action form.

To accept a task from the Home workspace:

  1. Go to Home workspace and click the Tasks node.
  2. Hover over the record and click the gear menu ( ).
  3. Click Accept.

    Alternatively, you can also click Actions and then click Accept. or use the Task Status (the check-mark icon).

To accept a task from the specific business process log (Company Workspace and Project/Shell):

  1. Go to your business process and open the log from the Tasks node.
  2. Hover over the record and click the gear menu ( ).
  3. click Accept.

    Alternatively, you can also click Actions and then click Accept. or use the Task Status (the check-mark icon).

To accept multiple tasks (of the same BP and same workflow schema):

  1. Go to Home workspace, or your business process, and open the log from the Tasks node.
  2. Ctrl+click to select the necessary tasks.
  3. Click Actions and then click Accept.

Every task you complete will be deleted from the Tasks log (Tasks node). Those you do not complete will remain on your Tasks log.

Additional information about accepting your tasks

Task Notifications

Initiation Step

In general, if a business process has been auto-created and sent to an Initiation Step, you will usually need to select a workflow schema to launch the business process into the workflow. When you accept the task, the system displays a Select Workflow window, where you must choose the workflow schema this business process should use. See Creating a Business Process (BP) Record for more information.

The system does not display the Select Workflow window if:

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023