Create and Manage Views on a Scenario Sheet

To make viewing information easier on either the scenario sheet or the project candidate list, you can create views that show relevant cash flow columns.

Create New View

  1. In the View drop-down menu, select Create New View. The New View window opens.
  2. In the Save View As field, enter a name for the view.
  3. Complete the Columns tab to determine which columns will be visible in this view.
    1. In the Columns tab, choose columns from the Available Columns list, and click the Move arrow to add columns to the Selected Columns list, or select the Move All double arrow to move all available columns to the Selected Columns list.
    2. You can remove columns from the Selected Columns list by selecting columns and clicking the Remove arrow or clicking the Remove All double arrow.
  4. Complete the Filters tab. See Filter the Scenario Sheet (Standard View).
  5. Complete the Group By tab. See Group the Data on a Scenario Sheet (Standard View).
  6. Complete the Sort By tab. See Sort the Data on a Scenario Sheet (Standard View).
  7. When finished, click Save.

    Note: Avoid defining a view with no columns selected.

Manage Views

  1. Click the View drop-down menu and select Manage Views. The Manage Views window opens.
    • In the Manage Views window, you can check the box in the Visible column to Show View or uncheck it to Hide View.
    • You can click the trash-can icon to Delete View.
    • You can click and drag views to reorder the way they will appear in the View drop-down menu.
  2. When finished, click Save.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023