Change the Timescale on a Generic Cost Sheet

With the Generic Cost Manager, you can capture and view cost transaction information based on a timescale, such as monthly, quarterly, or yearly. For example, you might be working with time-based transactions such as lease payments. In the context of working with the generic cost sheet, you can change the timescale on the cost data with which you are working. The generic cost sheet is accessed from the [shell name] > Configurable Modules > Generic Cost Manager > Generic Cost Sheet log. You can use the shell or sub-shell filter described in Viewing Data for Shells and Sub-shells in Generic Cost Sheet in combination with the timescale selector to create various views in your spreadsheet based on shell or sub-shell and time period.

To change the timescale on generic cost sheet data by shell or sub-shell

  1. Open the shell and click Configurable Managers > Generic Cost Manager > Generic Cost Sheet in the left Navigator. The Generic Cost Sheet log opens.
  2. Open the cost sheet you want to work with by double-clicking the cost sheet name, or by selecting the cost sheet name in the log, clicking the Gear menu, and clicking Open.
  3. Click on the Display Period button. The Display Period window opens.
  4. Select a date range (Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly) and the time period to go with the range. The data for the timescale you select is displayed in the cost sheet. The default view is Monthly, and shows the current month. Data is always stored in months. Changing the timescale units updates the totals based on the period and the calendar year.

Monthly view data is editable in the manual columns only, and in the Current Shell view only. Quarterly and Yearly views are read-only.

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023