Adding or Updating Hyperlinks

In many forms, you can add a hyperlink to a business process form, project, shell, etc. For example, you can add a hyperlink to equipment documentation, details on a resource, or external websites that contain information pertinent to a business process record. You can add hyperlinks to attribute forms in shells, projects, companies, and business processes.

If the Hyperlink picker functionality has been added to your project in uDesigner, forms with the functionality display a hyperlink name, such as vendor website or internal web page.

To add a hyperlink:

  1. Click the hyperlink area on the form.
  2. In the Hyperlink window, enter the hyperlink name and the Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

    Only the URL is mandatory. If you enter the name and the URL, the hyperlink displays as the name you entered. If you only enter the URL, the hyperlink displays as the URL. The protocols HTTP and HTTPS are the only protocols allowed. FTP is not supported for hyperlink creation on forms.

  3. Make sure that the URL adheres to accepted formats, such as starting with an approved protocol, followed by ://, and then followed by a host name or domain name.

    The system validates the specified URL based on the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) provided by the administrator for your organization, if applicable, and on current standards for URLs.

    Examples of HTTP and HTTPS URLs:

    Examples of URLs that might include URIs authorized for use by your administrator:

    Note: The URL should not reference the same domain that Unifier is using for operation (ask your site administrator if you do not know your domain name). If you attempt to use the same domain, a warning message will result.

  4. Click OK.

To reset a hyperlink:

  1. Click the hyperlink area on the form.
  2. In the Hyperlink window, click Clear to remove the existing hyperlink.
  3. Enter a new hyperlink name and URL.
  4. Click OK.

    Note: If you attempt to open a hyperlink to a website that is not controlled by Unifier, a confirmation window will appear, and you will need to click Yes to access the external website. If the URL of the hyperlink is invalid, you will receive an error message and you will not be able to save the record until a valid hyperlink is added.

See Also

Common Procedures


Attaching Files

Adding Images

CSV File

Importing Data from an Outside Data Source into Unifier

Searching and Finding in Unifier

Searching and Finding a Shell

Searching in Managers Logs

Searching in Document Manager Node (Standard View)

Searching Date Fields

Searching Mailbox Log, Notifications Log, and Sent Items Log (Home Workspace)

Searching Sheets

Searching Pickers


Last Published Saturday, July 13, 2024