Traces Elements

Table 3-3 describes the fields on the Traces screen.

Table 3-3 IDIH Traces Elements

Field (* indicates a required field) Description Data Input Notes
Trace Name* A name that uniquely identifies the Trace.

Format: text box

Range: A 32-character string. Valid characters are alphanumeric and underscore. Must contain at least one alpha and must not start with a digit.

Default: N/A

Trace Location Indicates whether a trace runs at the current site or at all sites in the network

Format: option button

Trace Content
Content Type*

The Diameter message contents to be matched for this trace. The combination of content type/content values specify the content elements and content values that a candidate message must match before the transaction that the message belongs to is sent to DIH.

Content Type:
  • Non-success answers - answers with (Experimental) Result-Code >= 3000, or any message with the E-bit set
  • (Ad Hoc)Requests - any request that matches the specified content values
  • (Ad Hoc Answers) - any answer that matches the specified content values
  • User Identity - any message that contains the specified IMSI or MSISDN. AVPs searched for the specified IMSI/MSISDN value are automatically determined by the application ID(s) selected.
  • Equipment Identity - any message that contains the specified IMEI. AVPs searched for the specified IMEI value are automatically determined by the application ID(s) selected.

Format: pulldown list

Range: Non-success answers, Requests, Answers, Ad Hoc Requests, Ad Hoc Answers, User Identity, Equipment Identity

Default: -Select-

Content Values After selecting the content type, the screen displays the Content Values for selecting content elements and entering content values. Default: N/A
Trace Scope
Scope Type*

The scope used for this trace.

Scope Type:
  • Connection - messages arriving or leaving on specified connection are candidates for tracing
  • Peer - messages arriving or leaving on specified peer are candidates for tracing
  • DSR Application - messages going to or returning from specified DSR application are candidates for tracing
  • All - all messages are candidates for tracing

Format: pulldown list

Range: Connection, Peer, DSR Application, All

Default: -Select-

Scope Value* The scope value used for this trace. Selection values will be populated based on the Scope Type selected.

Format: pulldown list

Default: -Select-

Trace Duration
Number of Matches* Number of Matches - stop the trace after matching this many messages

Format: text box; numeric

Range: 1-1000

Default: N/A

Time of Duration* Time - stop the trace after it has been active for this amount of time (HH:MM:SS)

Format: text box; numeric

Range: 00:00:01 - 96:00:00

Default: N/A

Notes Descriptive information about the trace

Format: Text box

Range: A 255-character string

Default: N/A