CDPNNP Service Action Handler

The CDPNNP Service Action Handler performs an UDR lookup on the conditioned CdPN. A successful lookup is one that returns an entity of the type defined by the NPTYPE configuration option.

The CDPNNP Service Action recognizes own-network IS41 and own-network GSM subscribers.

Configuration Options Used

The IDPROPTS NPTYPE option is used to define the success of the UDR lookup.

The IDPROPTS SPFILL option controls the populating of the SP entity type if the DFLTRN option value or GRN data is used for NPP processing.

The IDPROPTS RNSPFILL option controls the populating of the RN and SP entity types to the values of the digits from the UDR lookup when specific conditions are met.

Action Performed

Before an UDR lookup is performed, the conditioned TCAP DN is matched to the CSL CCNC list. If a match is not found in the CCNC list, the MSU falls through to GTT handling.

The UDR lookup is performed on the conditioned CdPN. If a match on the NPTYPE value is found, the following actions are performed:
  • If the SRFIMSI value is present in an SP or RN entity, the SRFIMSI value is used to populate the SRFIMSI Formatting Action value.

  • When the Service Portability feature is ON, CDPNNP populates the RN Formatting Action with the value of the GRN entity from the UDR entry when:
    • UDR lookup results in a successful entity type match with the NPTYPE option value
    • the subscriber is an own-network GSM subscriber

    The RN populated with the GRN digits can be used during execution of the Formatting Actions for the outgoing message.

  • The IDPROPTS SPFILL option value is used to control the population of UDR RN and SP digits are populated under the control or the IDPROPTS SPFILL option value and the IDPROPTS RNSPFILL option value, as shown in Table 5-4.

If the returned digit string value is less than 5 digits, the IDP Relay feature generates an error message and the message falls through to GTT.

If the returned digit string value is greater than 15 digits, only the first 15 digits are used.

Terminating Action?

This is not a terminating action.

Table 5-4 UDR Lookup Success Criteria and Results

Case NPTYPE Value UDR "Effective" Entity Type RN SP
1 RN RN Use Network Entity digits. Not set
2 RNSP, RNSPDN, ANY, ALWAYS RN Use Network Entity digits. If SPFILL option is ON, and RNSPFILL option is ON, use Network Entity digits.
3 SP SP If match on Service Portability, use GRN digits. Otherwise, use DFLTRN value if provisioned. If RN was not found, or SPFILL option is ON, use Network Entity digits.

If match on Service Portability, use GRN digits.

If no match on Service Portability, use DFLTRN value if provisioned.

If DFLTRN value is not provisioned, and RNSPFILL is ON, use Network Entity digits.

If RN was not found, or SPFILL option is ON, use Network Entity digits.