MMI Managed Objects for INPQ

MMI information associated with MNP is accessed from a DSR NOAM or SOAM from Main Menu, and then MMI API Guide.

Once the MMI API Guide displays, use the application navigation to locate specific vSTP managed object information.

Table 3-3 lists the managed objects and operations supported for vSTP ATI NP feature.

Table 3-3 vSTP MNP Managed Objects and Supported Operations

Managed Object Name Supported Operations
VstpSccpMnpOptions Update
VstpSccpSrvcSel Insert, Update, Delete
Vstp: HomeEntity Insert, Update, Delete

VstpSccpMnpOptions - Display

VstpSccpMnpOptions has these default entries since it only supports the Update operation. Execute the MMI Client command from an active SOAM.
$  /vstp/sccpmnpoptions
[admusr@aricen-soa1 data]$  /vstp/sccpmnpoptions
    "data": [
            "atiackimsi": "none",
            "atiackmsisdn": "msisdn",
            "atiackrn": "rn",
            "atiackvlrnum": "rnspmsisdn",
            "atidfltrn": "None",
            "atidlm": "None",
            "atientitylen": "None",
            "atinptype": "any",
            "atisnai": "nai",
            "atisupplocinfo": "Off",
            "ativlrnumlen": 40,
            "ccnc1-mccmnc1": "None",
            "ccnc10-mccmnc10": "None",
            "ccnc2-mccmnc2": "None",
            "ccnc3-mccmnc3": "None",
            "ccnc4-mccmnc4": "None",
            "ccnc5-mccmnc5": "None",
            "ccnc6-mccmnc6": "None",
            "ccnc7-mccmnc7": "None",
            "ccnc8-mccmnc8": "None",
            "ccnc9-mccmnc9": "None",
            "crptt": "None",
            "defcc": "12",
            "defmapvr": 1,
            "defmcc": "919",
            "defmnc": "None",
            "defndc": "55",
            "delccprefix": "pfxwcc",
            "dngtzerofill": "No",
            "encdnpsdnnotfound": "Off",
            "encdnpsptnone": "Off",
            "encodecug": "Off",
            "encodenps": "On",
            "inpcutnpaste": "Off",
            "inpdra": "rndn",
            "inpdranai": "unknown",
            "inpdranp": "E164",
            "inpnec": "None",
            "inprelcause": 31,
            "inpsnai1-cdpanai1": "None",
            "inpsnai2-cdpanai2": "None",
            "inpsnai3-cdpanai3": "None",
            "inpsnai4-cdpanai4": "None",
            "inpsnai5-cdpanai5": "None",
            "inpsprestype": "continue",
            "mnpcrp": "Off",
            "mnpnpdbunavl": "dnnotfound",
            "msisdntrunc": 0,
            "msrndig": "rndn",
            "msrnlen": 30,
            "msrnnai": 1,
            "msrnnp": 1,
            "mtmmsackn": "ack",
            "mtmmsentylen": "None",
            "mtmmsgta": "1233445566",
            "mtmmslen": "None",
            "mtmmstype": "all",
            "mtsmsackn": "nack",
            "mtsmschksrc": "No",
            "mtsmsdltr": "no",
            "mtsmsdltrv": "9876",
            "mtsmsimsi": "rn",
            "mtsmsnakerr": 1,
            "mtsmsnni": "rn",
            "mtsmsnp": "On",
            "mtsmstype": "all",
            "multcc1": "11",
            "multcc10": "10",
            "multcc2": "2",
            "multcc3": "3",
            "multcc4": "4",
            "multcc5": "5",
            "multcc6": "6",
            "multcc7": "7",
            "multcc8": "None",
            "multcc9": "9",
            "serverpfx": "None",
            "srfaddr": "None",
            "srfnai": 0,
            "srfnp": 0,
            "sridn": "tcap",
            "sridnnotfound": "gtt",
            "srismdn": "sccp",
            "srismgttrtg": "Off",
            "srvcrelaymapset": "None"
    "links": {},
    "messages": [],
    "status": true

VstpSccpMnpOptions - Update

Execute this command on an active SOAM to update EirOptions:
 /vstp/sccpmnpoptions -v PUT -r /<Absolute  Path>/<filename>
Create a file with this content. The filename can be anything, for example the option name can be used:
$ Cat atickarn
{“atiackrn": “rn",}
Example output:
[admusr@veir-soa1 filemgmt]$  /vstp/sccpmnpoptions -v PUT -r atickarn
    "data": true,
    "links": {},
    "messages": [],
    "status": true

Home Entity - Insert

The vSTP Home Entity table holds different configuration options for the INPQ feature.

Execute this command on an active SOAM to insert a homeentities:
/vstp/homeentities/ -v POST -r /<Absolute  Path>/<filename>
Create a file with this content. The filename can be anything, for example the option name can be used:
$ Cat inpqf1
    "entityType": "HomeRn",
    "entityAddress": "C441234",
    "name": "homeEnt1"
Example output:
[admusr@aricen-soa1 data]$  /vstp/homeentities/

Home Entity - Display

Execute this command on an active SOAM to display entries.
Example output:
[admusr@aricen-soa1 data]$  /vstp/homeentities/
   {  "data":
        "entityType": "HomeRn",
        "entityAddress": "C441234",
        "name": "homeEnt1"
  "links":  {},
  "status": true

Home Entity - Update

Execute this command on an active SOAM to update:
 /vstp/homeentities/ -v PUT -r /<Absolute  Path>/<filename>
Create a file with this content. The filename can be anything, for example the option name can be used:
$ Cat inpqf2
{"name": "homeEnt2",
  "entityType“: “CdpnPfx”
Example output:
[admusr@veir-soa1 filemgmt]$  /vstp/homeentities/ -v PUT -r inpqf2
    "data": true,
    "links": {},
    "messages": [],
    "status": true

Home Entity - Delete

This deletes the specified Home Entity from the SOAM configuration. A Home Entity can only be deleted if all delete validation checks pass. An attempt to delete a Home Entity that cannot be deleted results in an error message returned within the HTTP response.

Execute this command to delete a entry.
-  /vstp/homeentities/{name} -v DELETE
Where name is the name of the homeentity.
Example output:
 /vstp/homeentities/homeEnt2 -v DELETE
No output returned by URI: https://localhost/mmi/dsr/v2.0/vstp/homeentities/homeEnt2? for 'DELETE' operation