MMI Managed Objects for MNP

MMI information associated with MNP is accessed from a DSR NOAM or SOAM from Main Menu, and then MMI API Guide.

Once the MMI API Guide displays, use the application navigation to locate specific vSTP managed object information.

Table 3-1 lists the managed objects and operations supported for vSTP MNP G-Port feature.

Table 3-1 vSTP MNP Managed Objects and Supported Operations

Managed Object Name Supported Operations
VstpSccpMnpOptions Update
VstpSccpSrvcSel Insert, Update, Delete
VstpSccpHomeEntity Insert, Delete

VstpSccpMnpOptions - Update

Create a file as shown. The file name can be anything, fo example, the option name:
$ vim MnpoptsUpdate.json
    “<optionName1>": “<OptionValue1>“,
    “<optionName2>": “<OptionValue2>“,
    “<optionNameX>": “<OptionValueX>“
On an action SOAM, update the MnpOptions:
>   /vstp/sccpmnpoptions -v PUT -r /<Absolute  Path>/<filename>
Example output for this update command would be:
[admusr@veir-soa1 filemgmt]$  /vstp/sccpmnpoptions -v PUT -r MnpoptsUpdate.json
    "data": true,
    "links": {},
    "messages": [],
    "status": true

[admusr@veir-soa1 filemgmt]$  vim  /tmp/conf
        "defcc": "8",
        "sridn": "tcap"
[admusr@veir-soa1 filemgmt]$  /vstp/sccpmnpoptions -v PUT -r /tmp/conf

Add/Modify Service Selector

[admusr@veir-soa1 filemgmt]$ vim /tmp/conf
    "domain": "Itui",
    "globalTitleIndicator": "TtNumEncodingNature",
    "serviceName": "Gport",
    "name": "GportSe99",
    "natureOfAddressIndicatorValue": 3,
    "ssn": "9",
    "numberingPlan": "E164",
    "translationType": 54,
    "serviceNai": "Natl",
    "serviceNP": "E164",
    "fallbackToGtt": true

[admusr@veir-soa1 filemgmt]$  /vstp/sccpserviceselectors -v POST -r /tmp/conf

Add Home RN

[admusr@vmnp-soa1 ~]$ cat homeentity
    "entityType": "HomeRn",
    "entityAddress": "C441234"

[admusr@vmnp-soa1 ~]$  /vstp/homeentities -v POST -r /tmp/ homeentity