NPP Provisioning

Numbering Plan Processing (NPP) provides number conditioning and service logic execution for the following MO SMS-related features:

  • Mobile Originated Based GSM SMS Number Portability (MO-Based GSM SMS NP)

  • Portability Check for Mobile Originated SMS (MNP SMS)

  • Prepaid Short Message Service Intercept (PPSMS)

  • Mobile Originated Additional Subscriber Data (MO SMS ASD)

  • Mobile Originated Generic Routing Number (MO SMS GRN)

NPP Services

The NPP Service in the first column of Required NPP Services must be provisioned before turning on the MO SMS-related feature in the second column for the feature to be functional.

Table 5-13 Required NPP Services

Feature NPP Service

The NPP Services to process Called Party and Calling Party Numbers in GSM protocol are described below:

  • MOSMSGCDPN - NPP Service to process the Called Party Number of the SM-RP-UI TP-DA parameter of SMS-SUBMIT or SMS-COMMAND GSM Forward Short Message.

  • MOSMSGCGPN - NPP Service to process the Calling Party Number MSISDN SM-RP-OA parameter of SMS-SUBMIT or SMS-COMMAND GSM Forward Short Message.

Service Actions

The NPP Service Actions supported by MO SMS NPP are shown in Supported Service Actions. The precedence and applicability of the service actions are specified for each NPP Service.

Table 5-14 Supported Service Actions

ASDLKUP 50 50 50
CDIAL 10 10 10
CDPNNP 60 n/a n/a
CGPNASDRQD 50 n/a n/a
CGPNGRNRQD 50 n/a n/a
FRAUDCHK n/a 90 n/a
GRNLKUP 50 50 50
MIGRATE n/a n/a n/a
PPRELAY 80 80 n/a

Table 5-15 Service Action Value Definitions by NPP Service

ASDLKUP Populates ASD FA with ASD data received from DN UDR Lookup Populates ASD FA with ASD data received from DN UDR Lookup Populates ASD FA with ASD data received from DN UDR Lookup Populates ASD FA with ASD data received from DN UDR Lookup
CDIAL Performs corrective dialing Performs corrective dialing Performs corrective dialing Performs corrective dialing
CDPNNP Performs CdPN UDR Lookup and determines whether ported - Performs CdPN UDR Lookup and determines whether ported -
CGPNASDRQD Populates ASD FA with CgPN ASD data if available from CgPN UDR Lookup by MOSMSGCGPN - Populates ASD FA with CgPN ASD data if available from CgPN UDR Lookup by MOSMSICGPN -
CGPNGRNRQD Populates GRN FA with CgPN GRN data if available from CgPN UDR Lookup by MOSMSGCGPN - Populates GRN FA with CgPN GRN data if available from CgPN UDR Lookup by MOSMSICGPN -
FRAUDCHK - Performs CgPN UDR Lookup and discards message if the subscriber is fraudulent - -
GRNLKUP Populates GRN FA with GRN data received from DN UDR Lookup Populates GRN FA with GRN data received from DN UDR Lookup Populates GRN FA with GRN data received from DN UDR Lookup Populates GRN FA with GRN data received from DN UDR Lookup
MIGRATE - - Performs CdPN UDR Lookup and determines whether migrated -
PPRELAY Performs CdPN UDR Lookup and redirects message to prepaid subscriber if CdPN is prepaid Performs CdPN UDR Lookup and redirects message to prepaid subscriber if CdPN is prepaid - -

Conditioning Actions

ACCgPN Conditioning Action

In addition to the general Conditioning Actions available in the NPP feature, the ACCgPN Conditioning Action is supported by the MOSMSGCDPN and MOSMSICDPN NPP Services.

ACCgPN (Area Code from CgPN) extracts the Called Party Number (CdPN) area code information from the Calling Party Number (CgPN). The ACCgPN Conditioning Action skips DEFCC length from the international number and removes the number of digits specified in the SCCPOPTS ACLEN configuration option from the beginning of the CgPN. These digits are used as the Area Code (AC) to condition the Called Party digits for any subsequent Service Action or Formatting Action.

If the ACCgPN Conditioning Action is invoked, but the Calling Party is not present or has fewer digits than the SCCPOPTS ACLEN option value after any CC digits, then no change to Area Code is made.

The ACCgPN Conditioning Action can be provisioned with the MOSMSGCDPN and MOSMSICDPN NPP Services. The ACCgPN Conditioning Action is mutually exclusive with the ACCgPNx Conditioning Actions and with any other Conditioning Action used to populate the AC (Area Code) Formatting Action value for NPP.

Table 5-16 ACCgPN Conditioning Action

Conditioning Action Description


Area Code extracted from Calling Party Number (CgPN)

ACCgPN1 through ACCgPN8 Conditioning Actions

The ACCgPN1 - ACCgPN8 (ACCgPNx) Conditioning Actions to extracts the Area Code from the Calling Party Number (CgPN) while processing Called Party Number (CdPN) services. The length of the Area Code to be extracted from the CgPN is not specified by SCCPOPTS:ACLEN configuration parameter. Instead, the digit suffix "x"of the Conditioning Action parameter name specifies the length of the Area Code to be extracted. For example, the Conditioning Action ACCgPN4 will extract an Area Code of 4 digits from the CgPN. The ACCgPNx Conditioning Actions skip any Country Code digits (matching DefCC or Multiple CC) and remove the specified "x" number of Area Code (AC) digits.

If an ACCgPNx Conditioning Action is invoked, but the Calling Party is not present or has fewer digits than the specified "x" number of digits after any CC digits, then no change to Area Code is made.

The ACCgPNx Conditioning Actions can be provisioned with the MOSMSGCDPN and MOSMSICDPN NPP Services. The ACCgPNx Conditioning Actions are mutually exclusive with each other, with the ACCgPN Conditioning Action, and with any other Conditioning Action used to populate the AC (Area Code) Formatting Action value for NPP.

Table 5-17 ACCgPNx Conditioning Actions

Conditioning Action Description


Area Code from Calling Party Number: one-digit Area Code extracted


Area Code from Calling Party Number: two-digit Area Code extracted


Area Code from Calling Party Number: three-digit Area Code extracted


Area Code from Calling Party Number: four-digit Area Code extracted


Area Code from Calling Party Number: five-digit Area Code extracted


Area Code from Calling Party Number: six-digit Area Code extracted


Area Code from Calling Party Number: seven-digit Area Code extracted


Area Code from Calling Party Number: eight-digit Area Code extracted

Formatting Actions

In addition to the general Formatting Actions available in the NPP feature, the following Formatting Actions support MO SMS NPP.

  • RNOSPODN - RN or SP value, if RN or SP was found in UDR Lookup; Otherwise, the Conditioning Action DNx is used for this Formatting Action value.
  • RNOSPOZN - RN or SP value, if RN or SP was found in UDR Lookup; Otherwise, the Conditioning Action SNx is used for this Formatting Action value.
  • RNOSPOSN - RN or SP value, if RN or SP was found in UDR Lookup; Otherwise, the Conditioning Action ZNx is used for this Formatting Action value.


CgPN is not modified by any MOSMS NPP feature.