System Options for MO SMS Features in GSM Networks

The system level options stored in the GSMSMSOPTS table are used to perform number conditioning, response generation, and other feature-specific options. System Options - MO SMS Features in GSM Networks shows the MO SMS options in the GSMSMSOPTS table, possible values, and the actions taken for each value.

The MO-Based GMS SMS NP, MO SMS ASD, MO SMS GRN, Portability Check for MO SMS, or Prepaid SMS Intercept feature must be enabled before these options can be specified in the GSMSMSOPTS table.

Table 5-12 System Options - MO SMS Features in GSM Networks

GSMSMSOPTS Option Value Action in the vSTP


1-15 digits, NONE (default)

The value is the default routing number used for own-network subscribers.


0-8 (default =0)

The value is the number of digits from the MO SMS CgPA used as the Area Code in the MO SMS CdPA.



When the HomeSMSC Match with Digits option is set to BESTFIT, an exact match is attempted on the incoming SCCP CdPA digits in the Home SMSC table. If an exact match is not found, a best fit match of the leading digits of the incoming SCCP CdPA digits is attempted to the Home SMSC table entries.

EXACT (default)

When the HomeSMSC Match with Digits option is set to EXACT, an exact match must be made of the incoming SCCP CdPA digits in the Home SMSC table.


NO (default)

No MO-SMS forward will be performed.


If the MO-SMS TCAP Called Party Number is modified, then the MO-SMS message will be redirected by modifying the SCCP CdPA, to the GTA value identified in the MOSMSGTA field.

This option cannot be set to YES unless the MOSMSGTA option has a valid value specified.


5-21 digits, NONE (default)

This option is used to replace the SCCP CdPA in the MO-SMS message. If the MO-SMS TCAP Called Party Number is modified, then the MO-SMS message will be redirected by modifying the SCCP.

This option cannot be specified unless a GTA with the same value has been provisioned in the GTT translation table. For more information about the GTT translation table, refer to the Database Administration - GTT User's Guide.


INTL (default)

When SNAI=INTL, no number conditioning is required before lookup in the Number Portability database.


The NAI from the MO_SMS message is used for conditioning before lookup in database.

  • If the NAI is INTL, then Number Portability lookup is performed immediately.

  • If the NAI is any other value, then the number is considered to be in national format. The CC is added before Number Portability lookup is performed.


The CdPN is treated as National number for lookup in the Number Portability database. When SNAI=NAT, the CC will be added to the DN before lookup in the Number Portability database.


When this value is set, the NAI will be treated as Unknown for the purposes of Number Conditioning.


NO (default)

No subaddress is searched for in the B party number from the TCAP part.


The subaddress is searched in the B party number. If the subaddress (identified by "#" present in the B party number) is found, the subaddress is removed before Number Portability database lookup is performed.


OFF (default)

Mobile Originated Segmented TCAP messages are not supported.


Mobile Originated Segmented TCAP messages are supported.



When the lookup in the Number Portability database has entitytype=SP or RN or no_entity, then the lookup is considered successful.


When the lookup in the Number Portability database has entitytype=RN, then the lookup is considered successful.


When the lookup in the Number Portability database has entitytype=SP, then the lookup is considered successful.

SPRN (default)

When the lookup in the Number Portability database has entitytype=SP or RN, then the lookup is considered successful.


OFF (default)

The Numbering Plan Processor (NPP) does not populate both RN and SP entities for own-network subscribers at the same time.


The Numbering Plan Processor (NPP) populates both RN and SP entities for own-network subscribers at the same time.