Database Object Model

Figure C-1 shows the database object model for subscriber-related data. All of the tables are available to the user.

Figure C-1 SDS Provisioning Database Object Model



Table C-1 MsisdnBlacklist Table Attributes

Attribute Description
msisdn A unique string of 8-15 decimal digits.


Table C-2 ImsiBlacklist Table Attributes

Attribute Description
imsi A unique string of 10-15 decimal digits.


Table C-3 Msisdn Table Attributes

Attribute Description
msisdn A unique string of 8-15 decimal digits.
List of Destinations as per Table C-19.


Table C-4 Imsi Table Attributes

Attribute Description
imsi A unique string of 8-15 decimal digits.
List of Destinations as per Table C-19.


Table C-5 MsisdnPrefix Table Attributes

Attribute Description
msisdnPrefix A unique string of 1-15 decimal digits. Can have overlapping prefix values.
List of Destinations as per Table C-19.


Table C-6 ImsiPrefix Table Attributes

Attribute Description
imsiPrefix A unique string of 1-15 decimal digits. Can have overlapping prefix values.
List of Destinations as per Table C-19.


Table C-7 NaiUser Table Attributes

Attribute Description
user A string of 1-64 characters for the NAI User Name.
hostId Index to an existing NAI Host record. The user/hostId combination must be unique.
List of Destinations as per Table C-19.


Table C-8 WildcardNaiUser Table Attributes

Attribute Description
wildcardUser A string of 1-64 characters for the wild-carded NAI User Name.
hostId Index to an existing NAI Host record. The wildcardUser/hostId combination must be unique.
List of Destinations as per Table C-19.


Table C-9 Destination Table Attributes

Attribute Description
name A unique string of 1-32 characters to identify the Destination.
id A unique, generated number used to identify a Destination record
type Destination type
fqdn A 1-255 character string for the Diameter FQDN for the Destination. The value can be null.
realm A 1-255 character string for the Diameter Realm for the Destination. The value can be null.


Table C-10 DestinationMap Table Attributes

Attribute Description
name A unique string of 1-32 characters to identify an existing Destination record.
service A string of 8-15 decimal digits that contains the E.164 node address of an HLR Router.


Table C-11 NaiHost Table Attributes

Attribute Description
host A unique string of 1-64 characters for the NAI Host Name.
id A unique, generated number used to identify a NaiHost record.


Table C-12 DomainIdentifier Table Attributes

Attribute Description
DomainIdentifier A UTF8 string of 1-128 characters
DomainId A unique, generated number used to identify a Domain Identifier record.
domainToLocalRefCount Reference count of how many local identifiers are referring to this Domain
List of Destinations as per Table C-19.

Table C-13 LocalIdentifier Table Attributes

Attribute Description
LocalIdentifier A UTF8 string of 1-128 characters
DomainId A unique, generated number used to identify a Domain Identifier record.
SubId A internal, numeric Subscriber ID. This number is assigned by SDS software.
List of Destinations as per Table C-19.


Table C-14 Subscriber Table Attributes

Attribute Description
subIdKey A unique string of 1-10 decimal digits. This string is based on the numeric subId value.
subId A unique, internal, numeric Subscriber ID. This number is assigned by SDS software.
accountId An optional unique string of 6-26 decimal digits. This value is assigned by the customer.
msisdnList[6] A list of MSISDN values for the Subscriber. Each MSISDN value must be 8-15 decimal digits.
imsiList[6] A list of IMSI values for the Subscriber. Each IMSI value must be 10-15 decimal digits.
numMsisdn Number of MSISDN values defined for the Subscriber.
numImsi Number of IMSI values defined for the Subscriber.


Table C-15 AccountToSubscriber Table Attributes

Attribute Description
accountId An optional unique string of 6-26 decimal digits. This value is assigned by the customer.
subId An internal, numeric Subscriber ID. This number is assigned by SDS software.


Table C-16 MsisdnToSubscriber Table Attributes

Attribute Description
msisdn A unique string of 8-15 decimal digits
subId An internal, numeric Subscriber ID. This number is assigned by SDS software.


Table C-17 ImsiToSubscriber Table Attributes

Attribute Description
imsi A unique string of 10-15 decimal digits.
subId An internal, numeric Subscriber ID. This number is assigned by SDS software.

External Identifier

Table C-18 SubscriberToExternalId Table Attributes

Attribute Description
subId A internal numeric Subscriber ID. This number is assigned by SDS software.
ExternalIdentifierList A string comprising of multiple domainId's and LocalId's up to 2580 characters, assigned to given subscriber. The string could comprise of 10 External Identifier values for Subscriber. For example: domainId1>locId1,locId2,locId3,locId4;domainId2> locId4,locId5,locId6,locId7

Destination List

Table C-19 Destination List for Routing Entities

Attribute Description
destIdImsHss Index to an existing IMS HSS Destination record (with type= imsHss) or 0 (for none)
destIdLteHss Index to an existing LTE HSS Destination record (with type= lteHss) or 0 (for none)
destIdMtcHss Index to an existing MTC HSS Destination record (with type= mtcHss) or 0 (for none)
destIdPcrf Index to an existing PCRF Destination record (with type= pcrf) or 0 (for none)
destIdOcs Index to an existing OCS Destination record (with type= ocs) or 0 (for none)
destIdOfcs Index to an existing OFCS Destination record (with type= ofcs) or 0 (for none)
destIdAaa Index to an existing AAA Destination record (with type= aaa) or 0 (for none)
destIdUserDef1 Index to an existing UserDef1 Destination record (with type= userDef1) or 0 (for none)
destIdUserDef2 Index to an existing UserDef2 Destination record (with type= userDef2) or 0 (for none)