
Below are some examples of how to use the <updateDomain> request and likely response. Some of these examples are based upon previous requests; hence, the order of the requests could be important.

Add New Domain Values

This example creates 3 new Domain Identifier values and sets their destination values to the specified values.

The result of this request is

  • New Domain Identifier values are created.
  • All of the destination values for each routing entity are set to specified values.


<updateDomain ent=”subscriberRouting” ns=”dsr” id=”101”>
<updateDomainResp id=”101”>
  <res error=”0” affected=”3”/>

Update Domain Identifier Destinations (Success)

This example updates existing Domain Identifiers with new destination values.


This request does not update all Domain Identifier values that were specified in the previous request.

The result of this request is that the specified Domain Identifier values are updated with specified destination values.

<updateDomain ent=”subscriberRouting” ns=”dsr” id=”102”>
<updateDomainResp id=”102”>
  <res error=”0” affected=”2”/>

Update Domain Identifier Destinations (Failure)

This example fails to update existing Domain Identifiers with new destination values because the destination does not exist.

No changes are made to the database because the request fails.

<updateDomain ent=”subscriberRouting” ns=”dsr” id=”103”>
<updateDomainResp id=”103”>
  <res error=”2006” affected=”0” description=”destination not found”/>