
The <updateDomainResp> response returns the result of the request to provision domain identifier values. A single result applies to all domain identifier values supplied. Either all domain identifier values were successfully updated, or no updates were made.

If applying all of the provisioning changes results in no database records being modified because the database already contained the updated values, then NO_UPDATES error code is returned and the number of affected records is 0.

Response Format

The syntax of the response is the same for all requests. For more information, see XML Response Messages.
<updateDomainResp [id="id"]>
    <res error="error" affected="affected" [description="description"]/>

Response Parameters

The parameters for all of the response commands are shown in XML Response Messages.

Response Error Codes

Table 5-28lists common error codes for this command. See SDS Response Message Error Codes for a complete list of error codes.

Table 5-28 <updateDomainResp> Error Codes (XML)

Error Code Description
SUCCESS The update request was successfully completed.
NO_UPDATES The request does not have an update to the database.
DOMAIN_IDENTIFIER_NOT_FOUND Domain Identifier does not exist.
NO_DEST_VAL No destination name supplied.
MISSING_PARAMETER A mandatory parameter is missing.
DEST_NOT_FOUND Destination name does not exist.
DEST_TYPE_MISMATCH Destination has a different destination type than the desired destination type.
TOO_MANY_ADDR Too many address values supplied.
NO_DOMAIN_VAL No Domain Identifier value supplied