Provisioning Interface Overview

Data can be provisioned or exported using one of the following interfaces:
  • GUI – Add, change, delete, and query routing-related data and internal tables. Internal tables contain information such as NPA-NXX split data and export schedules.
  • SOAP – Add, change, delete, and read MSISDN, IMSI and NAI user data.
  • XML – Add, change, delete, and read MSISDN, IMSI and NAI user data.
  • SQL – View or query routing-related data. This interface is provided by the SDS Query server.
  • Import – Import data in CSV or XML format.
  • Export – Export data in CSV, XML, or HLRR format.
  • PDB Relay – Add, change, and delete MSISDN and IMSI routing entities with destinations that have an E.164 network entity value on SDS. Automatically send those provisioning commands from SDS to HLR Router (HLRR).

The method used to provision data varies, depending on the type of data. All data can be provisioned using the GUI. Table 3-1 shows which interfaces are available for each type of data.

Table 3-1 Data Provisioning Interfaces

Data Type GUI SOAP/​XML XML Import/​Export CSV Import/​Export HLRR Export and PDB Relay SQL Query
MSISDN yes yes yes yes yes yes
IMSI yes yes yes yes yes yes
NAI User yes yes yes yes no yes
Wildcard NAI User yes no no yes no yes
NAI Host yes no no yes no yes
Destination yes no no yes no yes
Destination Map yes no no no no yes
MSISDN Prefix yes no no yes no yes
IMSI Prefix yes no no yes no yes
MSISDN Blacklist yes no no yes no yes
IMSI Blacklist yes no no yes no yes
Subscriber yes yes yes yes no yes


Only MSISDN and IMSI routing entities with destinations that have an E.164 network entity value can be relayed or exported in HLRR format.

A history of the commands and their responses can be viewed from the SDS GUI. We recommend you see the SDS Online Help for more information. All provisioning requests are stored in the Command Log for all interfaces.