XML/SOAP Interface System Variables

The XML/SOAP Interfaces have a set of system variables that affect its operation as it runs. XML/SOAP Interface System variables (shown below in Table B-1) can be set via the SDS GUI and can be changed at runtime to effect dynamic server reconfiguration. We recommend you see the SDS Online Help for more information.

Table B-1 XML/SOAP Interface System Variables

Parameter Description
XML Interface Port XML Interface TCP (unsecure) Listening Port. The TCP listening port can be disabled by setting it to 0. NOTE: Changes to the TCP listening port do not take affect until the 'xds' process is restarted. Also, you must specify a different port than the SOAP interface. DEFAULT = 5875; RANGE = 0-65535
SOAP Interface Port SOAP Interface TCP Listening Port. The TCP listening port can be disabled by setting it to 0. NOTE: Changes to the TCP listening port do not take affect until the 'xds' process is restarted. Also, you must specify a different port than the XML interface. DEFAULT = 5876 (when SOAP Secure Mode is set to UNSECURE) or 5877 (when SOAP Secure Mode is set to SECURE) RANGE = 0-65535
XML Interface Idle Timeout The maximum time (in seconds) that an open XML connection will remain active without a request being sent, before the connection is dropped. DEFAULT = 1200; RANGE = 1-86400
SOAP Interface Idle Timeout The maximum time (in seconds) that an open SOAP connection will remain active without a request being sent, before the connection is dropped. DEFAULT = 1200; RANGE = 1-86400
Maximum XML Connections Maximum number of simultaneous XML Interface client connections. DEFAULT = 120; RANGE = 1-120
Maximum SOAP Connections Maximum number of simultaneous SOAP Interface client connections. DEFAULT = 120; RANGE = 1-120
SOAP Secure Mode Whether the SOAP Interface operates in secure mode (using SSL), or unsecure mode (plain text). NOTE: Changes to the SOAP Secure Mode do not take affect until the 'xds' process is restarted. DEFAULT = UNSECURE
Allow Connections* Whether or not to allow incoming connections on the XML/SOAP Interface. DEFAULT = ALLOWED
Max Transaction Size* Maximum number of database manipulation commands per transaction. DEFAULT = 50; RANGE = 10-1000
Maximum Transaction Lifetime The maximum time (in seconds) that a transaction can remain open before automatically being rolled back if a commit or rollback is not explicitly performed. Timeout can be disabled by setting to 0. DEFAULT=60; RANGE = 0-3600
Remote Import Mode* Whether updates are allowed (Non-Blocking) or not allowed (Blocking) on all XDS connections while the remote import operation is in progress. In blocking mode, XML and SOAP provisioning requests will be rejected if a bulk import is in operation. In non-blocking mode, XML and SOAP provisioning requests will be allowed as normal. DEFAULT = NON-BLOCKING
Export Mode* Whether updates are allowed (Non-Blocking) or not allowed (Blocking) on all XDS connections while the export operation is in progress. In blocking mode, XML and SOAP provisioning requests will be rejected if a bulk export is in operation. In non-blocking mode, XML and SOAP provisioning requests will be allowed as normal. DEFAULT = NON-BLOCKING
Transaction Durability Timeout* The amount of time (in seconds) allowed between a transaction being committed and it becoming durable. If Transaction Durability Timeout lapse, DURABILITY_TIMEOUT response is sent to the originating client. The associated request should be resent to ensure that the request was committed. DEFAULT = 5; RANGE = 2-3600


Parameters labeled with a “*” are existing system variables defined and used by other components.