How to Set Global Security Privileges

You can define an unlimited number of global profiles. In addition, there are two global profiles that are predefined: Admin Superuser and No Global Privileges. These predefined profiles have the following GlobalProfileObjectIds and constants:



Admin Superuser


No Global Privilege


The Admin Superuser profile allows complete access to all global information and all projects. This profile is assigned to the user Admin when you install P6 EPPM. For security reasons, you should limit the Admin Superuser assignment to only those individuals who require access to all data.

The No Global Privileges profile restricts access to global data. Assign this profile to anyone who is strictly a P6 Progress Reporter user.

Use the following steps to set a Global Security privilege:

  1. Using HTTPS, log in with a user that has the Edit Security profile privilege.
  2. Choose an existing global profile or use the CreateGlobalProfiles operation to create a new global profile.
  3. If you are setting the global security privilege for a new user, use the CreateUsers operation, passing in the GlobalProfileObjectId of the global security global security profile.
  4. If you are setting the global security privilege for existing users, call the UpdateUsers operation, passing in the appropriate GlobalProfileObjectId for the users that you are updating.

Related Topics

How to Set Security Privileges

How to Set Project Security

How to Set Resource Security

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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023