How to Set Resource Security

Project access supersedes resource access.

AllResourceAccessFlag: A flag that determines whether the user has all resource access (true) or restricted resource access (false). Admin Superusers always have all resource access.

You can set the AllResourceAccessFlag using the UpdateUsers operation.

  1. Using HTTPS, log in with a user that has the Edit Security profile privilege.
  2. Choose a UserObjectId of user. You can use the ReadUsers operation to list the users.
  3. Choose the ResourceId of a resource. You can use the ReadResources operation to list the resources.
  4. Use the CreateResourceAccess operation to expand or limit access to the resource you chose in step 3 by the user you chose in step 2.

    Note: You can use the CreateResourceAccess operation multiple times to assign up to five resources to a user.

Related Topics

How to Set Security Privileges

How to Set Global Security Privileges

How to Set Project Security

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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023