View the created resource details

To view the created resource details:

1. Send a request to the create activity endpoint to create an Activity. The create activity request returns an ObjectId.. For example:

Endpoint: /p6ws/restapi/activity

		Request body: 
            "CreateDate": "2021-02-26T16:56:38",
            "CreateUser": "admin",
            "Name": "DP-Activity1",
            "ProjectObjectId": "3575",
            "WBSObjectId": "22473"

For this example, assume the response is 88550.

2. Send a request to the job status endpoint to view the status of the job. Use the response from step 1 in the Request URL. The job status endpoint returns a json object containing the job status. For example:

p6ws/restapi/activity?Filter=ObjectId IN(88550)