Entity Filtering

Specify entity filters in the form of endpoint query parameters to restrict the contents of endpoint responses to objects that match particular criteria. For example, to ensure the /restapi/<resourcename> endpoint only returns objects with a status of Not Started, add a Status:eq:'Not Started' query parameter to the requested endpoint: /restapi/<resourcename>?Filter=Status:eq:'Not Started'.

The P6 REST API supports several entity filtering options. The following table lists supported entity filter operations:

Name Operator Description URL Encoded Operator Examples
Equals :eq: Excludes response objects that do not contain properties with values matching the value specified in the filter parameter. %3Aeq%3A

Only return objects with an ObjectId value of 1001:


URL encoded form: Filter=ObjectId%3Aeq%3A1001

Does not Equal != Only includes response objects that contain properties with values that do not match the value specified in the filter parameter. !%3D

Only return resources with ObjectId values that are not equal to 1001:


URL encoded form: Filter=ObjectId!%3D1001

Less than or Equal to :lte:

Include response objects that contain properties with values less than or equal to the value specified in the filter parameter.

This filter operation supports numeric and date values.


Only return resources with ObjectId values less than or equal to 88578:


URL encoded form: restapi/activity?Fields=Name,ObjectId&Filter=ObjectId%3Alte%3A88578

Greater than or Equal to :gte:

Include response objects that contain properties with values greater than or equal to the value specified in the filter parameter.

This filter operation supports numeric and date values.


Only return resources with ObjectId values greater than or equal to 88578:


URL encoded form: restapi/activity?Fields=Name,ObjectId&Filter=ObjectId%3Agte%3A88578

Less than :lt:

Include response objects that contain properties with values less than the value specified in the filter parameter.

This filter operation supports numeric and date values.


Only return resources with ObjectId values less than 88578:


URL encoded form: /restapi/activity?Fields=Name,ObjectId&Filter=ObjectId%3Alt%3A88578

Greater than :gt:

Include response objects that contain properties with values greater than the value specified in the filter parameter.

This filter operation supports numeric and date values.


Only return resources with ObjectId values greater than 88578:


URL encoded form: /restapi/activity?Fields=Name,ObjectId&Filter=ObjectId%3Agt%3A88578

Combining Filters

You can combine entity filters using logical operators. For example, the /restapi/activity?Filter=ObjectId:eq:88577 :and: Name :like: 'Ensure%' endpoint combines ObjectId and Name value filters using a logical AND. The following table lists supported logical operators for combining entity filters.

Name Operator Description Examples
AND :and: The logical AND operator restricts response objects to entities that match all specified filter values.

Only return objects with ObjectId values of 88577 and Name matching values of 'Ensure':

/restapi/activity?Fields=Name,ObjectId&Filter=ObjectId:eq:88577 :and: Name :like: 'Ensure%'

URL encoded form: /restapi/activity?Fields=Name,ObjectId&Filter=ObjectId%3Aeq%3A88577%20%3Aand%3A%20Name%20%3Alike%3A%20%27Ensure%25%27

OR :or: The logical OR operator restricts response objects to entities that match one or more of the specified filter values.

Only return objects with ObjectId values of 88577 or 88578:

/restapi/activity?Fields=Name,ObjectId&Filter=ObjectId:eq:88577 :or: ObjectId:eq:88578

URL encoded form: /restapi/activity?Fields=Name,ObjectId&Filter=ObjectId%3Aeq%3A88577%20%3Aor%3A%20ObjectId%3Aeq%3A88578


Use wildcard entity filters to limit response objects based on textual patterns. For example, the /restapi/activity?Fields=Name,ObjectId&Filter=Name :like: 'Act1%' endpoint returns resource objects containing a activityName value of "Act1" followed by any string. The following table lists supported entity filter wildcards:

Name Operator Description Examples
Any String :like:

The Any String wildcard matches any string value of one or more characters.

This filter operation only supports the string and enum data types.

You can only use a wildcard to match textual patterns within a string.

Find any values that start with "act":

/restapi/activity?Fields=Name,ObjectId&Filter=Name :like: 'act%'

URL encoded form: /restapi/activity?Fields=Name,ObjectId&Filter=Name%20%3Alike%3A%20%27act%25%27


Find any values that end with "act":

/restapi/activity?Fields=Name,ObjectId&Filter=Name :like: '%act'

URL encoded form: /restapi/activity?Fields=Name,ObjectId&Filter=Name%20%3Alike%3A%20%27%act25%27


Find any values that have "act" in any position:

/restapi/activity?Fields=Name,ObjectId&Filter=Name :like: '%act%'

URL encoded form: /restapi/activity?Fields=Name,ObjectId&Filter=Name%20%3Alike%3A%20%27%act%25%27