Set the default price for activities

You can specify a project's default price of work for activities. This default price is used to calculate the cost of activities that do not have assigned resources, and activities whose resources do not have defined prices. When calculating an activity's total cost, this price is multiplied by the activity's labor and nonlabor units and then any associated activity expenses are added.

  1. Choose Enterprise, Projects and display Project Details.
  2. Click the Calculations tab.
  3. In the Activities section, type the default price for activities without resources, followed by a forward slash (/) and the appropriate time unit abbreviation, such as $50.00/h (for 50 dollars per hour).

    The available time units include minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.

When connected to a P6 Professional database: Your system administrator sets the abbreviation for each time unit in the Admin Preferences dialog box.

When connected to a P6 EPPM database: Your system administrator sets the abbreviation for each time unit in the Application Settings in P6.

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