HA Services Status

The HA Services Status page allows you to monitor the operational status of HA Service Sub-Resources.

A server application configures the High-Availability (HA) Framework to manage its Resources and Sub-Resources, and based upon the configuration and on the health scores of participating servers, the HA Framework assigns states to each Sub-Resource on each server. If a Resource or Sub-Resource is Active on a given server, then the server application on that server is actively providing the software function associated with the Resource or Sub-Resource. If a Resource or Sub-Resource is Standby, Spare, Observer, or Out-of-Service, then the server application is not actively providing the function, but instead is waiting to be promoted to Active should the Resource or Sub-Resource be demoted from Active on some other server due to failures that reduce the other server’s health score.

The HA Services Status screen shows the status as seen from a reporting server. The reporting server may be a provider of the HA Service or it may be a user of HA Services.

The fields are described in HA Services Status Elements.