Assigning MP Profiles to MPs

Use this task to assign an MP Profile to each DA-MP and SS7-MP in the system.


An MP Profile assignment does not take effect until the MP has been restarted.

MPs Profile Assignments Elements describes the MP Profile Assignments elements.

  1. Select Diameter Common, and then MPs, and then Profile Assignments.
    The Diameter Common, and then MPs, and then Profile Assignments page appears.
  2. For each DA-MP or SS7-MP, select one of the available MP Profiles. See mps.html#GUID-1BED4CC0-73A9-4500-BF09-EF416F9FAB47__V5744549 for help in selecting the appropriate MP Profile.
  3. Click:
    • Assign to assign the selected MP Profiles to the MPs.
    • Cancel to reset the MP Profile assignments to their previous setting.

    To correct a warning that a Standby MP has a different MP Profile assignment than its corresponding Active MP, reassign the desired MP Profile to the Active/Standby MP pair on this page.