Charging Session Binding Repository (CSBR) CSV File Formats and Contents

The following tables describe the CSV file content and attribute column positions for all configuration data supported by the SBR.

"SBR elements" describes the Session Binding Repository (SBR) configuration data elements listed in charging-proxy-application-cpa-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-47D8FD7F-85A9-433B-A09E-43A67FE9A15B__V5747363 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-77 SBR CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (CSBR)
1 Sbrconfig (Keyword)
2 sbdbAuditStartTime
3 sbdbAuditStopTime
4 staleSbdbSessionBindingAge
5 maximumActiveSessionBindings
6 mostlyStalePercent