IP Front End (IPFE) CSV File Formats and Contents

IP Front End CSV File Formats

The following tables describe the CSV file content and attribute column positions for all configuration data supported by the IP Front End (IPFE) Application Type.


Both IPFE CSV formats must be included in the file for an IPFE Import operation (Insert or Delete). Bulk Import for IPFE does not support Insert or Delete for only IpfeOption or only IpfeListTsa.

"Configuration Options elements" in the IPFE Help describes the configuration data elements listed in ip-front-end-ipfe-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-3BD76CC2-D958-4848-A0DE-8929D42285B5__V5747771 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-78 IPFE IpfeOption CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type
1 Options (Keyword)
2 Ipfe1IpAddress
3 Ipfe2IpAddress
4 Ipfe3IpAddress
5 Ipfe4IpAddress
6 StatSyncTcpPort
7 StateSyncReconnectS
8 RejectOption (tcpreset, drop, icmphostunreachable, icmpportunreachable, icmpadminprohibited)
9 SctpRejectOption (drop, icmphostunreachable, icmpportunreachable, icmpadminprohibited)
10 OverloadStart
11 LeastLoadStart
12 GratuitousArpType
13 Accounting Support (enabled, disabled)
14 ConnectTryPort
15 ConnectTimeoutS
16 ConnectTryIntervalS
17 MonitorProtocol (tcpconnectonly, fullmonitoring, disabled)
18 PacketRateLimit
19 Tsa1DeleteAge
20 Tsa1IPAddress
21 Tsa1IPSecondaryAddress
22 Tsa1IPSecondaryPreferredIpfe
23 Tsa1LoadAlgorithm (hash, roundrobin, leasttraff, leastconns, leastload, leastloadtest)
24 Tsa1PreferredIpfe (1, 2, 3, 4)
25 Tsa1Protocols (SCTP, TCP, SCTP_AND_TCP)
26 Tsa1TsDisable (0, 1)
27 Tsa1AllowedDeviation (0-50)
28 Tsa1LoadFactorMPS (0-100)
29 Tsa1LoadFactorConn (0-100)
30 Tsa1PeerGroup (enabled, disabled)
31 Tsa1PeerGroupDelta (1-10)
  (fields 19 thru 31 repeated x 31 times) . . .
422 Tsa32DeleteAge
423 Tsa32IPAddress
424 Tsa32IPSecondaryAddress
425 Tsa32IPSecondaryPreferredIpfe
426 Tsa32LoadAlgorithm (hash, roundrobin, leasttraff, leastconns, leastload, leastloadtest)
427 Tsa32PreferredIpfe
428 Tsa32Protocols (SCTP, TCP, SCTP_AND_TCP)
429 Tsa32TsDisable (0, 1)
430 Tsa32AllowedDeviation (0-50)
431 Tsa32LoadFactorMPS (0-100)
432 Tsa32LoadFactorConn (0-100)
433 Tsa32PeerGroup (enabled, disabled)
434 Tsa32PeerGroupDelta (1-10)

"Target Sets configuration elements" in the IPFE Help describes the configuration data elements listed in ip-front-end-ipfe-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-3BD76CC2-D958-4848-A0DE-8929D42285B5__V5747776 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-79 IPFE IpfeListTsa CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Ipfe)
1 IPListTsa (Keyword)
2 tsa
3 server
4 ipAddress
5 description
6 ipSecondaryAddress
7 Initiator Port Start
8 Initiator Port Mid
9 Initiator Port End