Policy and Charging Application (PCA) CSV File Formats and Contents

The following tables describe the CSV file content and attribute column positions for all configuration data supported by the Policy and Charging Application Type.

"PCRFs elements" in the PCA Help describes the configuration data elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5746984 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-80 PCRFs CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 Pcrf (Keyword)
2 PCRF Peer Node Name (Key)

"Binding Key Priority elements" in the PCA Help describes the configuration data elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5746989 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-81 Binding Key Priority CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 BindPriority (Keyword)
2 Priority 1
3 Binding Key Type 1 (Imsi, Msisdn, Ipv4, Ipv6)
4 Priority 2
5 Binding Key Type 2 (Imsi, Msisdn, Ipv4, Ipv6)
6 Priority 3
7 Binding Key Type 3 (Imsi, Msisdn, Ipv4, Ipv6)
8 Priority 4
9 Binding Key Type 4 (Imsi, Msisdn, Ipv4, Ipv6)

"Site Options elements" and "Network-Wide Options elements" in the PCA Help describes the configuration data elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5746999 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-82 Policy DRA Options CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 PdraOptions (Keyword)
2 Enable Topology Hiding
3 Topology Hiding Scope
4 Default Topology Hiding FQDN
5 Default Topology Hiding Realm
6 Topology Hiding Host
7 Topology Hiding Realm
8 Peer Route Table Name
9 Enable PCRF Pooling
10 PCRF Pooling Mode
11 Default APN for Non Specific Binding Correlation
12 Early Binding Polling Interval
13 Maximum Early Binding Lifetime
14 Suspect Binding Removal Events Ignore Interval
15 Suspect Binding Removal Events Reset Interval
16 Suspect Binding Removal Events Threshold
17 RAR Origin Host and Realm Option
18 Max Query RAR Rate Per Session Server Group
19 RarAttemptedThreshold
20 Max Release RAR Rate Per Session Server Group
21 Max Attempts Per Release RAR
22 Query RAR Queue Capacity Per Session Server Group
23 Release RAR Queue Capacity Per Session Server Group

"Error Codes elements" in the PCA Help describes the configuration data elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5747004 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-83 PCA Error Codes CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 ErrorCodes (Keyword)
2 Error Condition (Key) (PdraUnavailCong, PcaFuncUnavailableOrDisabled, BindingNotFound, UnableToRoute, SbrError, BindingKeyNotFoundCondition, SessionNotFound, MissingOrUnconfiguredApn)
3 Gx/Gxx Result Code
4 Gx/Gxx Vendor ID
5 Rx Result Code
6 Rx Vendor ID
7 S9 Result Code
8 S9 Vendor ID
9 Gx-Prime Result Code
10 Gx-Prime Vendor ID
11 Gy/Ro Result Code
12 Gy/Ro Vendor ID
13 All Result Code
14 All Vendor ID

"PCA Access Point Names elements" in the PCA Help describes the configuration data elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5747009 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-84 PCA Access Point Names CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 AccessPointName (Keyword)
2 Access Point Name
3 Function Name
4 PCRF Pool Name
5 Maximum Allowed Sessions per IMSI
6 Per IMSI Session Exceeded Treatment (Reject, Route)
7 Stale Session Timeout
8 PCRF Sub-Pool Count (Read Only)
9 Last Updated Timestamp (Read Only)

"Alarm Settings elements" in the PCA Help describes the configuration data elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5747014 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-85 Alarm Settings CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 AlarmSupp (Keyword)
2 Alarm Name 1 (PcaIngressMessageRate, OutstandingPdraSessionsThresholdExceeded)
3 Critical Alarm Threshold (Percent) 1
4 Suppress Critical 1 (Yes, No)
5 Major Alarm Threshold (Percent) 1
6 Suppress Major 1 (Yes, No)
7 Minor Alarm Threshold (Percent) 1
8 Suppress Minor 1 (Yes, No)
9 Alarm Name 2 (PsbrActiveSessionsThreshold)
10 Critical Alarm Threshold (Percent) 2
11 Suppress Critical 2 (Yes, No)
12 Major Alarm Threshold (Percent) 2
13 Suppress Major 2 (Yes, No)
14 Minor Alarm Threshold (Percent) 1
15 Suppress Minor 2 (Yes, No)
16 Alarm Name 3 (PsbrActiveBindingsThreshold)
17 Critical Alarm Threshold (Percent) 3
18 Suppress Critical 3 (Yes, No)
19 Major Alarm Threshold (Percent) 3
20 Suppress Major 3 (Yes, No)
21 Minor Alarm Threshold (Percent) 3
22 Suppress Minor 3 (Yes, No)

"Congestion Options elements" in the PCA Help describes the configuration data elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5747019 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-86 Congestion Options CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 CongOptions (Keyword)
2 Critical Alarm Onset Threshold 1
3 Critical Alarm Abatement Threshold 1
4 Major Alarm Onset Threshold 1
5 Major Alarm Abatement Threshold 1
6 Minor Alarm Onset Threshold 1
7 Minor Alarm Abatement Threshold 1
8 Congestion Level 1- Discard Session Creation Requests
9 Congestion Level 1- Discard Session Update Requests
10 Congestion Level 1- Discard Session Terminate Requests
11 Congestion Level 2- Discard Session Creation Requests
12 Congestion Level 2- Discard Session Update Requests
13 Congestion Level 2- Discard Session Terminate Requests
14 Congestion Level 3- Discard Session Creation Requests
15 Congestion Level 3- Discard Session Update Requests
16 Congestion Level 3- Discard Session Terminate Requests

"PCRF Pools elements" in the PCA Help describes the PCRF Pools CSV Record elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5747025 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-87 PCRF Pools CSV Record Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 PcrfPool (Keyword)
2 PCRF Pool Name (Key)
3 Is Pcrf SubPool

"PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rules elements" in the PCA Help describes the PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rules CSV Record elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5747031 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-88 PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rules CSV Record Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 SubPoolSelRules (Keyword)
2 Rule Name (Key)
3 Priority
4 PCRF Pool Name
5 Condition Parameter (Origin-Host)
6 Condition Operator (Equals, StartsWith, EndsWith)
7 Condition Value
8 PCRF Sub-Pool Name
9 Last Updated Timestamp (Read Only)

"PCRF Pool To PRT Mapping CSV Record elements" in the PCA Help describes the PCRF Pool To PRT Mapping CSV Record elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5747036 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-89 PCRF Pool To PRT Mapping CSV Record Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 PcrfPoolToPrt (Keyword)
2 PCRF Pool Name (Key)
3 Peer Route Table Name

"General Options CSV Record elements" in the PCA Help describes the General Options CSV Record elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5984560 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-90 General Options CSV Record Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 GeneralOptions (Keyword)
2 Policy DRA Enabled
3 Online Charging DRA Enabled
4 Number of Policy Binding Server Groups
5 Number of Policy and Charging Session Sever Groups
6 Default Stale Session Timeout
7 Maximum Audit Frequency

"Online Charging DRA OCS Session State CSV Record elements" in the PCA Help describes the OCS Session State CSV Record elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5984564 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-91 Online Charging DRA OCS Session State CSV Record Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 OcsSessionState (Keyword)
2 OCS Realm
4 OCS Session State Enabled

"Online Charging DRA Realm CSV Record elements" in the PCA Help describes the OC-DRA Realm CSV Record elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5984568 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-92 Online Charging DRA Realm CSV Record Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 Realm (Keyword)
2 OCS Realm
3 Comment

"Online Charging DRA Network-Wide Options CSV Record elements" in the PCA Help describes the OC-DRA Network-Wide Options CSV Record elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5984572 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-93 Online Charging DRA Network-Wide Options CSV Record Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 OcdraNwOptions (Keyword)
2 Session State Scope (None, All Messages, Specific Message)
3 Session State Unavailable Action (Send Answer, Route To Peer)
4 OCS Pool Selection Mode (Single Pool, Multiple Pools)

"PCA Policy Clients Options CSV Record elements" in the PCA Help describes the OC-DRA Network-Wide Options CSV Record elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5984576 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-94 PDRA Policy Clients CSV Record Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 PolicyClients (Keyword)
2 Policy Client Peer Node Name
3 Topology Hiding Enabled

"Online Charging DRA OCSs CSV Record elements" in the PCA Help describes the OC-DRA OCSs CSV Record elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5984580 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-95 Online Charging DRA OCSs CSV Record Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 Ocs (Keyword)
2 OCS Peer Node Names

"Online Charging DRA CTFs CSV Record elements" in the PCA Help describes the OC-DRA CTFs CSV Record elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5984584 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-96 Online Charging DRA CTFs CSV Record Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 Ctf (Keyword)
2 CTF Peer Node Names

"Suspect Binding Removal Rules Elements" in the PCA Help describes the Suspect Binding Removal Rules CSV elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V6081731 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-97 Suspect Binding Removal Rules CSV Record Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Pca - Policy and Charging Application)
1 SuspectBindingRemovalRules (Keyword)
2 Rule Name (Key)
3 Application Name
4 Command Code
5 Error Scenario Category
6 Result Code
7 Vendor ID
8 Remove Suspect Binding Immediately