MAP-Diameter Interworkng Function CSV File Formats and Contents

The following tabiles describe the CSV file content and attribute column positions for all configuration data supported by the MDIWF Application Type, for the MD-IWF and DM-IWF applications.

"Diameter Realm elements" in the MAP-Diameter Interworking Help describes the configuration data elements listed in map-diameter-interworkng-function-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-71FAD0BB-F200-45CA-93BA-B92DDB80F7DE__V5754767 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-98 Mapiwf Diameter Realm CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Mapiwf - MAP-Diameter Interworking)
1 DiameterRealm (Keyword)
2 Realm
3 Network (ANSI, ITUI, ITUN)
4 MGT Conversion Needed (Yes, No, NA)

"Diameter Identity Global Title Address elements" in the MAP-Diameter Interworking Help describes the configuration data elements listed in map-diameter-interworkng-function-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-71FAD0BB-F200-45CA-93BA-B92DDB80F7DE__V5754772 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-99 Mapiwf DiamIdGta CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Mapiwf - MAP-Diameter Interworking)
1 DiamIdGta (Keyword)
2 Host
3 Realm

"Global Title Address Range to Point Code elements" in the MAP-Diameter Interworking Help describes the configuration data elements listed in map-diameter-interworkng-function-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-71FAD0BB-F200-45CA-93BA-B92DDB80F7DE__V5754777 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-100 Mapiwf GtaRangeToPc CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Mapiwf - MAP-Diameter Interworking)
1 GtaRangeToPc (Keyword)
2 Default Configuration (Yes, No)
3 GTA Start
4 GTA End
5 Network (ANSI, ITUI, ITUN)
6 Primary Point Code
7 Secondary Point Code
8 Load Sharing (Solitary, ActiveActive, ActiveStandby)

"MD-IWF Options elements" in the MAP-Diameter Interworking Help describes the configuration data elements listed in map-diameter-interworkng-function-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-71FAD0BB-F200-45CA-93BA-B92DDB80F7DE__V5754782policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5746999 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-101 Mapiwf MD-IWF Option CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Mapiwf - MAP-Diameter Interworking)
1 MdiwfOption (Keyword)
2 Diameter Timeout
3 MAP Timeout
4 EIR Host Name
5 EIR Realm
6 IWF HSS Destination Host
7 IWF HSS Destination Realm
8 EIR Destination GTA
9 Shutdown Mode (Forced, Graceful)
10 Shutdown Timer
11 ECR No Destination Host Action (Discard, SendAnswer, TranslateUsingEir)
12 ECR No Destination Host Result Code
13 ECR No Destination Host Vendor ID
14 ECR No Destination Host Error String
15 ECR Destination Host Action (Discard, SendAnswer, TranslateUsingEir)
16 ECR Destination Host Result Code
17 ECR Destination Host Vendor ID
18 ECR Destination Host Error String
19 DSR Node GTA (entityId_1)
20 DSR Node GTA (gta_1)
-entityId and gta repeated total of 32 times…
81 DSR Node GTA (entityId_32)
82 DSR Node GTA (gta_32)

"DM-IWF Option elements" in the MAP-Diameter Interworking Help describes the configuration data elements listed in map-diameter-interworkng-function-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-71FAD0BB-F200-45CA-93BA-B92DDB80F7DE__V5754787 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-102 Mapiwf DM-IWF Option CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Mapiwf - MAP-Diameter Interworking)
1 DmiwfOption (Keyword)
2 Unavailable Action (ContinueRouting, DefaultRoute, SendAnswer)
3 Route List Name
4 Unavailable Action Result Code
5 Unavailable Action Vendor ID
6 Unavailable Action Error Message
7 AVP Insertion (Yes, No)
8 Shutdown Mode (Forced, Graceful)
9 Shutdown Timer
10 Realm
12 Application Route Table (ART)
13 Peer Route Table (PRT)

"Diameter Exception elements" in the MAP-Diameter Interworking Help describes the configuration data elements listed in map-diameter-interworkng-function-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-71FAD0BB-F200-45CA-93BA-B92DDB80F7DE__V5754792 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-103 Mapiwf Diameter Exception CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Mapiwf - MAP-Diameter Interworking)
1 DiameterException (Keyword)
2 Exception Type (InternalProcessingError, DiamToMapTransTimeout, TranslationError)
3 Exception Name
4 Action (Discard, SendAnswer, ApplyUnavailAction)
5 Result Code
6 Vendor ID
7 Error String

"MAP Exception elements" in the MAP-Diameter Interworking Help describes the configuration data elements listed in map-diameter-interworkng-function-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-71FAD0BB-F200-45CA-93BA-B92DDB80F7DE__V5754797 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-104 Mapiwf MAP Exception CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Mapiwf - MAP-Diameter Interworking)
1 MapException (Keyword)
2 Exception Type (InternalProcessingError, MapToDiamTransTimeout, TranslationError
3 Exception Name
4 Action (Discard, SendAnswer)
5 Abort Reason (UserDefined, ContextNotSupported, DialogRefused)
6 Error Cause (SystemFailure, DataMissing, UnexpectedDataValue, FacilityNotSupported, IncompatibleTerminal, ResourceLimitation)
7 Abort Choice (SpecificReason, ResourceLimitation, ResourceUnavailable)
8 Resource Unavailable Reason (ShortTermLimitation, LongTermLimitation)

"CCNDC Mapping elements" in the MAP-Diameter Interworking Help describes the configuration data elements listed in policy-and-charging-application-pca-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-E9BFA809-CF0C-44C2-AA89-CAE9E241C8B8__V5747019 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-105 Mapiwf CCNDC Mapping CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Mapiwf - MAP-Diameter Interworking)
1 CcNdcMapping (Keyword)
2 Ccndc
3 Realm
4 Description